



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Department of Industrial Design Shih Chien University
Designer Er Wen Chen
Description(English) In certain situations, using a feather duster to clean is faster than using a vacuum cleaner. Because of its soft nature, it can be used to clean valuable items without worrying about scratching them. However, due to the decline of traditional crafts, this product has disappeared from our daily lives. tshíng is designed with a dual sliding sleeve to connect the feather duster and the vacuum cleaner. Sliding the sleeve allows the cleaning mode to be quickly switched, and the product can maintain a tiny volume when it is not being used. Using two cleaning modes, users can easily adapt to different environments and increase cleaning efficiency.
Description(Native) 雖然使用吸塵器在打掃時很方便,但對於一些容易產生靜電的物品或是電子設備,可能會花費很長的時間卻無法完全清除灰塵。傳統的雞毛撢子則能夠輕鬆快速地潔淨表面灰塵,但由於傳統工藝沒落,這種產品逐漸消失在生活中。tshíng以雞毛撢子作為設計的出發點,當傳統與科技碰撞,期許傳統文化的經典價値,在新的形態下得到彰顯。 tshíng的設計採用了雙滑套的形式,串聯了雞毛撢子和吸塵器之間的關係。使用者可以透過滑動滑套的方式快速切換淸潔模式,並且在收納時能夠保持扁平體積。在撢灰模式中,使用者可以使用雞毛清除大面積的灰塵,而在吸塵模式中,吸塵器能夠吸除大顆粒的髒汙。由於 tshíng 的設計是無線且輕巧的,因此可以隨時隨地使用,成為辦公桌的清潔利器或車上維持乾淨的必需品。透過兩種不同的淸潔模式,讓使用者可以更輕鬆地應對各種環境,增加打掃效率。
Website www.behance.net/90a870c3
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The design of "tshíng" received high praise from the judges for its innovative approach to combining traditional and modern cleaning methods. The dual sliding sleeve mechanism allows seamless switching between the feather duster and vacuum cleaner, enhancing versatility and efficiency. Its compact size when not in use and ability to protect valuable items from scratches make it an exceptional tool for diverse cleaning needs. This thoughtful design addresses the decline of traditional crafts while integrating modern technology.
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