



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2024
Client Co., Ltd.
Affiliation Shanghai Greatway Welding Equipment Co., Ltd.
Designer Xuan Wang, Xujuan Fan, Chunmao Wu
Description(English) Chemix is an educational toy that starts with the objects in life and combines with gamified permutations of the periodic table of elements to help students learn abstract chemical knowledge. Chemix includes a suite of NFC magnetic modules for chemical elements and a supporting learning platform. Its innovations are mainly including: 1. Learn chemistry from the real world by freely choosing living items to generate the corresponding compounds. 2. Learn chemistry in a fun way by splicing the element modules according to the prompts of the periodic table of elements to synthesize the corresponding compounds.
Description(Native) 传统的化学学习方式对学生而言非常困难且缺乏吸引力,主要体现在:1.概念化的教学不够生动,脱离生活;2. 化学知识琐碎,规律复杂,难以记忆。根据上述情况,我们从教学生活化和寓教于乐的角度设计了Chemix。这是一款从认识生活中的物品出发,结合了化学元素周期表的游戏化排列组合方式,从而帮助学生学习抽象化学知识的教育玩具。Chemix包括化学元素的NFC磁吸模块套组和配套的学习平台。其创新点体现在:1.从现实世界中学习化学。自由选择生活物品以生成相应的化合物。可以根据分组自行选择物品,也可以通过扫描身边的物品自动匹配相应的目标。2.在趣味性的游玩过程中学习化学。根据化学元素周期表的提示拼接元素模块,合成对应的化合物。3.从提示中反复学习和复习知识点。Chemix的学习平台在游玩过程和结果中反复提示相应知识点,以加深学生的学习记忆。
Website www.guangwei-china.com/index.html
Positive Comments
Judging Comments Chemix excels as an educational toy that gamifies learning the periodic table, helping students grasp abstract chemical knowledge. It features NFC magnetic modules and a learning platform, allowing users to generate compounds from real-world items and synthesize compounds in a fun, interactive way. This innovative approach to education earned it the Gold Winner title, highlighting its impactful and engaging design.
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  1. OUTPOST cafe

  2. JIA Garden

  3. The Gravity Winery Project

  4. Storytelling care by theme garden and playground

  5. The WABI SABI house

  6. The Embodiment of a Masterpiece

  7. Ossuary Hall Prabha


  9. Original Texture

  10. Thats good enough

  11. Lakeside one

  12. Redesign a Hakka Temple


  14. WOSA Sintered Stone Experiential Showroom

  15. Apartment RE

  16. Apartment CL

  17. Thomas Choi Birth Memorial Chapel

  18. House of Reason


  20. Echos in Quiet Light

  21. Cafe Dobutsuen No Yoko

  22. Wooden Lookout

  23. Sumu Yakushima

  24. Mobile Bus Office

  25. Spiritual Home

  26. Ocean Immersion

  27. Aurora

  28. Wedge house

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