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Country China
Year 2024
Affiliation Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Designer Wang Chao, Zhou Yitong
Description(English) This child-friendly thermometer innovatively solves the challenge of children who struggle to hold the thermometer stably under the armpit during temperature measurement.Traditional thermometers can cause the user to feel that the thermometer is not clamped and there is panic, making the temperature measurement process very uncomfortable. The rounded, warm design and skin-friendly silicone material ease children's fear. Featuring an easy switch button, users insert the olive-shaped head under the armpit, ensuring a simple and child-operable process.
Description(Native) 这是一款创新的儿童友好型体温测量计,可在家中或医院等多种场景中使用,旨在解决儿童在测体温过程中,保持夹紧温度计较为困难,使用时内心具有不安的感受,带来不舒服的体验。 该设计打破了传统体温计细长冰冷的造型。首先,在造型方面将体温计感温部分体积放大,提升体温计在测量时的“存在感”,儿童在使用时更明显地感觉到体温计夹在腋下的状态,同时大体积的感温部分使测量体温时的行动相较于传统体温计更加轻松自如。 其次,相比于传统市面上“冰冷”的温度计,圆润的温度计造型更容易缓解测温过程中儿童因恐惧测量而导致的抵触情绪,同时温度计采用亲肤柔软的硅胶材质,多彩柔和的配色也使该产品更加容易被儿童接受。使用时,按下开关键,将该体温计橄榄状的测温头夹入腋下,与传统体温计使用流程一致,儿童自己也能轻松操作。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This child-friendly thermometer excels in addressing the difficulty children face with traditional thermometers. Its rounded, warm design and skin-friendly silicone material reduce fear, while the easy switch button and olive-shaped head ensure a stable, child-operable process. This innovative and empathetic approach to healthcare design earned it the Gold Winner title, highlighting its excellence in user-centered design.
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