

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2024
Affiliation ZheJiang University
Designer Shiqi Shu, Jiayu Li, Yiwei Chai
Description(English) In order to provide users with a better experience, this new type of granules package has been improved from the old packaging. A biodegradable stirring stick has been fixed to the top of the packaging for stirring the medication. The top of the stirring stick is connected to the outer packaging, and it can be gently bent and unfolded after tearing open the packaging bag to use. Additionally, the outer packaging has been folded to extend the length of the stirring rod, making it adaptable to a greater variety of cup heights and more convenient for users to take the powdered medication in various situations.
Description(Native) 在饮用袋装冲剂药品过程中,用户通常会遇到的问题是没有用于搅拌冲剂的工具,这会给用户带来一定的麻烦。 为了帮助用户在服药过程中获得更良好的体验,这款新式冲剂药品包装对旧包装进行了改良,分为上下两个部分,下方放置冲剂,在上方固定了一个用于搅拌药剂的可降解搅拌棒,顶端与外包装相连接,撕开包装袋后轻轻弯折便可将其展开,取出使用。 此外还通过折叠外包装延长搅拌棒,使其适应更多高度的杯型,方便用户在各种情况下服用冲剂药品。 它的使用方式是:1.沿着虚线撕开包装袋。2.弯折包装袋,可轻易使搅拌棒另一端从袋中露出。3.继续翻折,可将包装袋在上方折叠或缠绕,用于增加搅拌棒的长度。4.手持搅拌棒上端将冲剂与水混合。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This new granules package enhances user experience with a biodegradable stirring stick fixed to the top. The stick unfolds easily after opening the package and extends to accommodate different cup heights. This design makes taking powdered medication more convenient in various situations. The judges noted the innovative and practical improvements, emphasizing convenience and sustainability.
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