



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2024
Client Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Co., Ltd.
Affiliation China Resources Sanjiu Co., Ltd.
Designer Miao Jingyi, Zou Hu, Duan Hongli, Xu Mengzhen, Zhao Yizhu
Description(English) This is a series of health tea products designed based on the five internal organs theory (heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney) of traditional Chinese medicine. Each color corresponds to a kind of medicine that specializes in treating a certain viscera. By transforming the common tiny label attached to the teabag into a small PVC colored bag, this design solves the problems of where the teabag stores and goes, and makes traditional Chinese medicine fashionable and young. When brewing, the small bag can be hung on the side of the cup like an ornament. After brewing, the teabag can be put in the small bag and discarded conveniently.
Description(Native) 这是一系列基于中医五脏理论(心、肝、脾、肺、肾)设计的保健茶产品。每种颜色都对应于一种专门治疗某种内脏的药物。通过将贴在茶包上的普通小标签改造成一个PVC彩色小袋子,这种设计解决了茶包存放和去向的问题,并使传统中药变得时尚和年轻。 现代年轻人生活充满压力,具有养生需求。此产品旨在为他们的五个内脏定制有针对性的保健茶饮。冲泡时,小袋子可以像装饰品一样挂在杯子的侧面。冲泡后,用户将茶包装回小袋子即可丢弃,方便而整洁。 此产品的包装采用具有明亮年轻色彩的PVC材料,以明亮醒目的颜色增强产品的视觉冲击力。茶包内中药使用茶精技术,能将更多的中药成分浓缩在一个较小的茶包中,这使得冲泡过程更快速便捷。 该设计旨在结合现代的生产技术,重新定义使用中药茶包的方式和体验。将年轻现代的产品语言与传统中药的饮用方式紧密结合,使饮用中药过程变得更加方便而有趣。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This health tea series is based on traditional Chinese medicine's five internal organs theory. Each product color corresponds to a specific organ treatment. The innovative design transforms the common teabag label into a small PVC colored bag, making it fashionable and young. This solves storage issues and adds convenience. The small bag hangs like an ornament during brewing and can be used to discard the teabag afterward. The judges noted its clever blend of tradition and modern convenience, enhancing user experience.
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