



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2024
Affiliation Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Designer Hanyi Jiang, Bin Yang, Pengjie Qin, Honggen Zhang
Description(English) People with toilet disorders, (such as hemorrhoids, constipation, or bowel obstruction), often use wet toilet paper to relieve pain and discomfort when going to the toilet. However, wet toilet paper is mostly made of non-woven fabric, which is soft to maintain its texture and moisture. The folded junction of the paper towel is usually not visible, making it easy to tear multiple sheets when pulling out. iPICK has redesigned the wet toilet paper to solve this problem, allowing you to pull out each piece quickly and smoothly!
Description(Native) 有如厕障碍(如痔疮、便秘或肠梗阻)的人经常使用湿纸巾来缓解如厕时的疼痛和不适,它能有效缓解便秘,预防相关疾病。不过,湿纸巾大多由无纺布制成,质地柔软,虽然保持水分,但十分脆弱,当排便困难患者急不可耐地快速抽出湿卫生纸时,很容易撕破几层叠在一起的卫生纸。而包装中的湿巾太满,也很难抽出而不造成破损,尤其是上面的纸巾。而患有与如厕有关的疾病的人可能需要一种快速有效的方法在如厕后清洁自己。因此,提供易于拉出的湿纸巾非常重要!iPICK 重新设计了湿纸巾,解决了这一问题,它在每一张湿厕纸的正中间都有一道易于辨认友好的绿线,用于区分每两张湿厕纸的相邻处,让您可以快速、顺畅地抽出每一张纸!同时包装外观设计设计简约,避免不必要的视觉障碍,在心情上给予舒缓的感觉。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design was highly regarded for addressing a common issue with wet toilet paper used by individuals with toilet disorders. By redesigning the paper for quick and smooth dispensing, iPICK enhances usability and reduces the risk of accidentally tearing multiple sheets. This thoughtful innovation improves the overall experience, making it more convenient and comfortable for users.
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  2. Travel Garment Steamer

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  5. CLIBO

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  9. iPICK

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  26. Anti Poaching Smart UAV Design

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