



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2024
Affiliation Zcore
Description(English) The TinyCase weighs only 18.6kg and features an impressive fold ratio of 6.5:1, with a thickness of just 14.80cm. Thanks to this unparalleled portability, even a woman can easily fold and unfold the motorcycle on her own. Additionally, the trunk of a typical SUV can easily hold up to 8 Tinycase motorcycles. A 40-foot high cube container can load up to 680 units, while a standard 20-foot container can accommodate 288 units, which significantly reduces storage costs and eases logistics pressures.
Description(Native) 小盒子的重量仅有18.6kg,折叠比率高达6.5:1,同时厚度仅为14.80cm。得益于这无与伦比的便携性,即使是普通女性也能独自完成车辆的收纳与展开。同时,一辆普通SUV的后备箱可轻松容纳8台小盒子。一个40英尺高柜可以装载680台,而一个20英尺标准柜也能容纳288台,极大降低仓储成本低,减轻了物流压力。 有多项创新设计获得专利。其中,可折叠车把设计,通过旋转轴连接把手一和把手二,并通过锁定组件实现把手的稳定锁定和便捷折叠。还采用可折叠脚踏设计,通过塞打螺栓与车辆的平叉主体连接,实现脚踏板的可折叠功能。这种设计不仅提高了产品的集成度,还降低了制造和维护的复杂度和成本。 此外,产品内置小型模块化逆变器组件结构紧凑、体积小,可根据需求增减逆变器电路模块,适应不同规模的电力需求。同时,产品电池组上加设Type-C充放电接口,用户可将需要充电的外部设备连接至该接口,实现产品电池组对外部设备的充电功能,丰富了产品的使用场景。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The TinyCase motorcycle stands out for its exceptional portability, weighing only 18.6kg with a fold ratio of 6.5:1 and a thickness of 14.80cm. Its design allows for easy folding and unfolding, even by women, and optimizes storage, fitting up to 8 units in an SUV trunk and 680 units in a 40-foot container. This innovative solution reduces storage costs and logistics pressures, earning it the Gold Winner title for its remarkable practicality and efficiency.
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