

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2024
Designer Xinchen Du, Jieyu Xue, Xueyi Pu, Huanyu Shi, Yuru Zhai
Description(English) The WOM Emergency Midwifery Kit is designed for childbirth in conflict zones, addressing challenges in Gaza amid the Israel-Palestine conflict. WOM Studio collaborated with medical professionals to develop this comprehensive kit, equipped with essential medications, tools, and supplies for safe delivery and postpartum care. Its compact, lightweight design enables easy transport and deployment, with clear labeling and instructions for medical personnel. The kit aims to mitigate risks in resource-limited settings, safeguarding the lives of mothers and babies in adversity.
Description(Native) WOM紧急助产包是专为冲突地区孕妇分娩而设计的特殊解决方案。在以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突升级的背景下,加沙地带资源匮乏给孕产妇和婴儿的医疗保健带来了严峻挑战。为满足这一迫切需求,WOM工作室进行了深入研究,并与医疗专业人士合作,独立开发了一套专为紧急情况定制的全面助产包。该助产包包括必需的药物、工具和用品,用于安全分娩和产后护理。其小巧轻便的设计可便于运输和部署,并采用耐用材料,抵御冲突地区恶劣条件。WOM紧急助产包以简单易用为优先考虑因素,配备清晰的标签和说明,便于医务人员快速高效地使用。旨在降低资源有限环境中孕产妇面临的风险,最终保障逆境中母婴的生命。 该助产包还包括消毒剂、麻醉剂、手术工具、必需的床垫和裙撑,用于在缺少私人空间的情况下保护孕妇分娩时的隐私。此外,还提供产后护理产品和一些婴儿用品,展开后可用作便携式婴儿篮。鉴于分娩可能缺乏医生在场,我们提供了一份手册,帮助缺乏医疗经验的人了解分娩过程和工具的使用,并提供了适用于不同情况的四种分娩姿势供选择。 在紧急情况下,如战争等,资源匮乏、条件恶劣,孕产妇的安全以及新生儿的安置都备受关注。因此,我们设计了这套简化易用的战时助产包,以尽可能降低母亲面临的风险,保护母亲和婴儿的生命健康。作为团队,我们坚守人道主义原则,尽最大努力尊重和保护每个人的生命。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The WOM Emergency Midwifery Kit is praised for its vital role in conflict zones, providing essential tools and medications for safe childbirth. Its compact, lightweight design ensures easy transport and use, addressing critical needs in Gaza. This life-saving, practical solution demonstrates outstanding innovation and humanitarian impact, earning it the Grand Prize.
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