



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Shih Chien University
Designer Tsai Cheng Kang
Description(English) Using elastic balloons as lampshades allows for uniform and soft diffusion of light. This design creates a tangible presence for light, enabling people to visually perceive light expanding and contracting. By inflating the balloons, one can adjust the lamp's size, brightness, and color. The glass enclosure further enhances the interaction by confining the light within, giving the appearance of light growing inside the glass. This design showcases the gentle side of light, offering an engaging and playful experience that adds vitality and warmth to any space.
Description(Native) 這個設計將彈性氣球用作燈罩,實現了光線的均勻柔和擴散。這種設計讓光線具有實質存在感,使人可以直觀感受光線的放大和縮小。通過調整氣球的大小,可以改變燈光的亮度和顏色。整個概念靈感來自琥珀化石,不同厚度的透明外殼產生的折射效應,讓觀者在不同角度下有不同的體驗。現在將光「藏」在琥珀之中,使光球在玻璃中生長,展現出光線柔和的一面,形成有趣的互動體驗,為空間帶來活力和溫暖。 在項目初期,我們研究了各種彈性材質作為燈罩的可能性。起初使用了矽膠和其他彈性材料,但由於延展性不足,無法達到顯著效果,後來轉而使用橡膠作為主要材料。隨後進行了材料和燈光相關的實驗,將燈泡放入橡膠氣球中,觀察充氣時顏色和亮度的變化。結論是,顏色飽和度較高的氣球在顏色變化方面效果最明顯。 在造型方面,圓形氣球會呈放射狀膨脹,而長條形氣球膨脹時則呈現方向性。通過擠壓和限制生長方向等手法,利用3D列印模具對氣球的膨脹和收縮進行塑形,例如將氣球放入透明模具中膨脹,直到超出模具開口形成自然膨脹的形狀;或者在膨脹的路徑上放置限制。觀察膨脹的極限和影響破裂的因素,通過種種實驗最終確定能使作品保持穩定狀態的方法。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This design is celebrated for its innovative use of elastic balloons as lampshades, providing uniform and soft light diffusion. The adjustable size, brightness, and color, along with the glass enclosure, create a dynamic visual experience. This playful and interactive approach to lighting adds warmth and vitality to any space, earning it the Gold Winner title for its creativity and user engagement.
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  3. Moonlight at night

  4. Feast of Natural

  5. POCN Portuguese Chinese Fusion Restaurant

  6. Deconstructing Shadows with Light and Color

  7. Cat Daily

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  12. Mountain Impression

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  19. Yorokonde

  20. Light with color

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  22. Mist Cloaked Cave Residence

  23. Lift Off and Fly Higher

  24. Impulse

  25. Zen breeze in treehouse

  26. Origin NO1

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  28. Streamlight Residence

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