



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2024
Affiliation Yupeng Jiang
Designer Yupeng Jiang, Changjun li
Description(English) The variety and complexity of today's power tools make them less user-friendly for novices and occasional users. ETU TOOL is a versatile modular power tool that is simple to assemble and made with traditional Chinese mortise and tenon joints. The magnetic suction area of the product can absorb and store the disassembled screws to prevent the loss, and can also reduce the user's operating range when reassembling. The retractable guide allows the user to increase operational stability and control hole depth when drilling. ETU TOOL uses excellent structure and auxiliary functions to improve the fairness and efficiency of amateurs in using tools.
Description(Native) 对于业余人士而言现有的电动工具种类较多,专业性太强有一定的使用难度。M-TOOL是一款模块化的电动工具,手柄可以与不同的部件连接变成不同的电动工具包括电钻、电动螺丝刀、打磨器、电锯,手柄可以通过旋转拥有0度、120度两种姿态满足人们日常生活中不同场景下的需求。模块之间的组合采用了中国传统的榫卯结构,开关的形状强调了结构的安全性,开锁和解锁两种状态下开关键会有灯光和文字提醒以强调状态的变化。手柄上的磁性区域可以吸附小螺丝防止丢失,手柄前端可滑动的导轨保证电钻垂直目标打孔的同时用户也可以通过手柄上的刻度了解孔深。M-TOOL 通过模块化的设计统一了不同工具的手柄降低了生产的材料成本对于可持续发展有重要意义。榫卯结构让模块间的组合更加直观稳定,消除了用户使用产品时对于模块松动的担忧,带给用户更好的体验感
Positive Comments
Judging Comments ETU TOOL simplifies power tools for novices with a versatile, modular design using traditional Chinese mortise and tenon joints. Its magnetic area stores screws, preventing loss and reducing reassembly effort. A retractable guide enhances stability and control when drilling. The judges recognized its innovative structure and auxiliary functions, improving accessibility and efficiency for amateur users.
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