

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2024
Affiliation Guangdong Midea Kitchen Appliances Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Designer Minxiang Luo, Xiaowu Hu, Hao Liu
Description(English) The Lava Range 36Q is a dream for culinary enthusiasts. With 350°C high-temperature technology, it elevates baking to new heights. Pastries expand rapidly in this ultra-high heat, achieving a perfect flaky texture with a crispy surface. Its dual convection feature ensures quick temperature rise, maintaining moist interiors and crispy exteriors. The multi-layer door design retains heat efficiently, preventing burns for added safety. The snowflake enamel coating inside is stylish and non-stick, making cleaning easy. The product is not just an oven but a gateway to baking success, turning every dish into a masterpiece.
Description(Native) 在现代厨房中,一台能够提供专业烹饪体验的独立式炉灶一体机是每位美食爱好者的理想选择。Lava Range 36Q 通过350℃的高温技术,将您的烘焙体验提升到一个全新的高度。经过深入研究,我们发现面点在这种超高温环境下能够迅速膨胀,达到最佳的起酥效果,并在表面形成令人愉悦的焦脆口感。 这款熔岩炉的双热风技术是其核心亮点。该技术能够在极短时间内迅速将内部温度提升至理想的烘焙温度,不仅加速了食物的烘烤过程,还确保食物内部保持湿润,外部形成完美的焦脆层。这种外焦里嫩的口感,正是专业烘焙师在厨房中所追求的。 此外,这款熔岩炉采用了多层门蓄热设计,确保热量更好地在炉内循环。这不仅提高了烹饪效率,还能在不同温度下精准控制,为您提供更多烹饪选择。无论是制作披萨、面包还是糕点,Lava Range 36Q 都能轻松胜任,确保每道菜品都具有完美的质地和口感。 为了提升使用安全性,这款熔岩炉的多层门设计不仅能够有效蓄热,还能隔绝外部温度,防止烫伤,更加安全。此外,炉腔内部采用了雪花搪瓷涂层,这种材料不仅美观时尚,而且具有优异的不粘性能,易于清洁,让日常维护变得轻松简单。 总之,这款350℃高温熔岩炉不仅仅是一台烤箱,更是您通向烘焙成功的桥梁。无论您是专业烘焙爱好者还是家庭主厨,都会因其卓越的性能和出色的烹饪效果而感到惊喜。每一次使用都是一次烹饪艺术的享受,让您的厨房瞬间变成美味的源泉。Lava Range 36Q 将为您的烹饪旅程增添无限可能,让每道菜都成为艺术品。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments The K-Design Award 2024 Grand Prize was awarded to the Lava Range 36Q for several outstanding features. Its 350°C high-temperature technology allows for rapid expansion of pastries, achieving perfect flaky textures and crispy surfaces. The dual convection feature ensures quick temperature rise, maintaining moist interiors and crispy exteriors. The multi-layer door design retains heat efficiently, enhancing safety by preventing burns. Additionally, the stylish snowflake enamel coating inside is non-stick, making cleaning easy. These features collectively make the Lava Range 36Q not just an oven but a gateway to baking success, turning every dish into a masterpiece.
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  1. OUTPOST cafe

  2. JIA Garden

  3. The Gravity Winery Project

  4. Storytelling care by theme garden and playground

  5. The WABI SABI house

  6. The Embodiment of a Masterpiece

  7. Ossuary Hall Prabha


  9. Original Texture

  10. Thats good enough

  11. Lakeside one

  12. Redesign a Hakka Temple


  14. WOSA Sintered Stone Experiential Showroom

  15. Apartment RE

  16. Apartment CL

  17. Thomas Choi Birth Memorial Chapel

  18. House of Reason


  20. Echos in Quiet Light

  21. Cafe Dobutsuen No Yoko

  22. Wooden Lookout

  23. Sumu Yakushima

  24. Mobile Bus Office

  25. Spiritual Home

  26. Ocean Immersion

  27. Aurora

  28. Wedge house

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