

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2019
Client Shanghai Joy City
Affiliation Arizon design
Designer Shen Junwei
Description(English) How to integrate the three-layer staggered structure of different heights on this floor is a challenge. The architect is inspired by Dandelion Hill, imagining the form of hills when adopting the rhythm of “contouring lines” in an undulating geography. In this space of 4200 square meters, the retailing stores and public entertainment areas are merged into the circular moving stream of visitors. The main scene is in the lift hall, the dandelion stems breaking through the soil and spreading,Flower Bud Book House,Rainbow Forest,the project brushes up to 200 colors in areas with different themes.bump into and merge with each other.
Description(Native) 如何去整合該樓層的三個不同高低錯位結構是設計師面臨的一個挑戰。 設計師靈感源自蒲公英之丘,構想出山丘的形態,運用地貌高低起伏的“等高線”韻律,在4200平米的空間裡,將零售店鋪和公共體驗娛樂區融入環形動線之內。 主題場景是從電梯廳破土而出的蒲公英花莖發散開來,“會唱歌”的花莖裝置藝術鼓勵孩子們用耳朵去聆聽大自然的聲音,睜開眼睛,映入眼簾的是富含童趣的花苞書屋、色彩斑斕的“彩虹森林”,孩子們用身體去觸碰童趣滑梯、探索中心廣場的樹屋,最後到達一個燈光璀璨的“精靈舞會”。 該項目像一個被打翻的調色板,近200種色彩在不同的主題空間、娛樂裝置和店鋪之間參差交錯、相互滲透,使得整個空間絢爛多彩,趣味橫生。 整個空間寓意著生命從發芽、生長到成長的過程,鼓勵孩子們奇思妙想,去探索大自然的神奇之處。
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  2. Korean Taste: Dam

  3. last sweet

  4. FROM (Frame of mind)

  5. Tie dyeingofericarp

  6. Energy pot cover

  7. 90 anti dust drill

  8. Baby M

  9. The Game of BO

  10. Sugar Calm

  11. Desk Cloud


  13. Dynamic YinYang Home

  14. Liberal realms自由國度

  15. B' HOUSE

  16. International Avenue

  17. Fruit WashingMachine

  18. Game of Light

  19. Morden Co-Living

  20. Cumulus

  21. Robust in Steel

  22. Joy City Kid's World

  23. KATBOX

  24. ORVIS - hopital bed

  25. 360° WHEEL LED STAND

  26. SAVEYE

  27. Sloping microwave

  28. Sense Liven

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