

Extra Form
Country Hong Kong
Year 2019
Client Designer: AaaM Architects / Client: K11 Concepts Limited
Affiliation AaaM Architects
Designer Kevin Siu, Shuyan Chan, Bob Pang, Adrian Kwong, Victoria Dong
Description(English) Visitors would be able to interact with the spatial installation composed of over 150 floating rings, three-dimensionally arranged under the glass canopy. By different action and movement, player could alter the lighting in space. And with synchronized collective effort, multiple players could even achieve a specially designed lighting effect that gives an “ultimate shine” to the space. Through artistic intervention and playful lighting design, the Piazza of K11 is transformed into a Christmas playground where the fun and action could hopefully bring joy and positivity to our community.
Description(Native) 「光之躍動」為AaaM建築設計工作室於K11廣場空間設計的大型燈光互動裝置,為參觀者提供多維度的玩樂體驗。活在這擠迫的城市,有時總會讓人感到無力與失望。團隊相信我們縱然我們都是常人,但每人總有獨特之處,如果能夠同心「集氣」,必能造出改變。裝置通過玩樂的體驗,從而探究「個人」與「集體」之關係,並讓玩樂者釋出內在「潛能」,重燃信心與希望。 螺旋向上串連的光環雕塑,巧妙地回應了廣場作為公共走廊及緑化樹木的基地限制。 玩家透過不同的形體動作,讓多達150個空中光圈呈現不同的燈光效果,而多人的協作,更能製造出「終極之躍動」。建築師揉合了空間元素及互動燈光,創作出此聖誕遊樂園,務求為香港人帶來多點歡笑與希望。
Website www.facebook.com/aaamarchi
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  2. Korean Taste: Dam

  3. last sweet

  4. FROM (Frame of mind)

  5. Tie dyeingofericarp

  6. Energy pot cover

  7. 90 anti dust drill

  8. Baby M

  9. The Game of BO

  10. Sugar Calm

  11. Desk Cloud


  13. Dynamic YinYang Home

  14. Liberal realms自由國度

  15. B' HOUSE

  16. International Avenue

  17. Fruit WashingMachine

  18. Game of Light

  19. Morden Co-Living

  20. Cumulus

  21. Robust in Steel

  22. Joy City Kid's World

  23. KATBOX

  24. ORVIS - hopital bed

  25. 360° WHEEL LED STAND

  26. SAVEYE

  27. Sloping microwave

  28. Sense Liven

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