


∞ infinity

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Country Taiwan
Year 2019
Client Kaohsiung City Government
Affiliation Hao Achitects
Designer haoachitects, Szu-Tung,kuo, Yan-Zhi,Mai, Zhi-Xiu,Liang, Jia-Rong,Yang
Description(English) Trying to use two-way stainless steel plates, mirror-like mutual reflection lets two sides of the building vocabulary, trees, wall of graffiti. The place was an old house which own life and memories, since the people was gone, the house was also teared down. To give life back to the place, through introducing new materials, people interacts with the installation, the unlimited illusions of two-sides mirrors make people relate themselves to the surroundings, like being in the traces of the history, rethinking and commemorating the prosperous appearance of this place.
Description(Native) 過去生活的實體空間被抹去,重新被植入"虛空間"。 但是,她已經不是原來的那個熟悉空間。 過去的那個空間,承載生活、笑容、悲傷、成長、美好的鄰里關係。 然而現在僅存兩道殘牆,少了很多、非常多、更多的,無法理性分析的眷村文化。 那個過去空間有機會回得來嗎? 又或者我期望並期待它能回來並帶來過去的那段記憶? 記憶與回憶,是一種對於眷村文化的思念,它已被時間凝結 時間不留情面的伴隨而來,生成更多的無盡 透過雙面鏡面鋼板的鏡射 反轉的記憶拼圖 尋找夢與現實的縮影 寫實到讓你分不清 現實與虛幻邊界的夢 彷彿就活在那個時空 一個簡單的想法 可以建造城市 可以改變世界 甚至是改寫所有的規則 而夢境的操作最直接的方式 是,無
Website haoarch.com
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  1. Copper Ball Eraser

  2. Stool 22081

  3. CHIBI CAR ちびちび車

  4. C1

  5. S2

  6. Space of Light

  7. Mi Robot Builder Crawler

  8. ParkUp

  9. Temperature Blender

  10. Mutualism共生

  11. Master Spoon

  12. Branding of Mechanic

  13. door lock S615

  14. door lock S507

  15. Chow Tai Fook SR 19

  16. 栖也· Habitat民宿

  17. JinQiao WELLEM

  18. Lighting-Flex light

  19. Honey Sweet Hotel

  20. Porcelain Rhyme

  21. Anchovy Packaging

  22. Lotus Restaurant

  23. ∞ infinity

  24. Woodboard Sterilizer

  25. TFC Arch. & Crafts.

  26. Korean Chest

  27. Memory Transmitting

  28. Melody

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