

Extra Form
Year 2019
Affiliation National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Designer Huang,Yun-Han, Lu,Yi-Lun
Description(English) CHIBICAR is a small pet-walker. Its main function is to help them overcome the difficulty of walking and maintaining balance. It reduced the cost of product simultaneously and used the concept of modular to let the owner assemble and disassemble by themselves. If the size does not match, it can be directly adjusted and replaced. Even in the paralysis, it can also support the weight of a part of the body, avoid muscular atrophy and skin infection. To improve the quality of small animals‘ life and make it easier for the owner to take care and clean.
Description(Native) CHIBICAR是一款小寵物輔助行走車,主要的功能是輔助它們克服行走上的困難、保持平衡,同時將輔具的成本降低,並運用模組化的方式讓飼主自行組裝拆解,壞了或大小不符也能直接調整、更換,就算到了癱瘓階段也能讓雙腳支撐身體一部分的重量,避免肌肉萎縮及皮膚感染,提升小動物生活品質並且讓飼主在照顧清潔上能更輕鬆。 以最少結構、好組裝、低成本、寵物好活動的目標做設計,外觀上跳脫輪椅的拘束感,像一台行動自如的小車,是它們的玩具也是助步器;布料選擇以好清潔、不過敏選擇,底部有輔助輪可支撐分擔重量 ;模組化的組裝模式,飼主在家中就能簡單自行組裝,同時能夠降低成本,組件壞掉或不見也能就單一零件做更換,加上調解長度的綁帶以及調整寬度的支撐桿,讓產品的適用範圍更廣。我們終旨依然希望能以少負擔的方式讓他們的生活品質提升,重新動起來。
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  1. Copper Ball Eraser

  2. Stool 22081

  3. CHIBI CAR ちびちび車

  4. C1

  5. S2

  6. Space of Light

  7. Mi Robot Builder Crawler

  8. ParkUp

  9. Temperature Blender

  10. Mutualism共生

  11. Master Spoon

  12. Branding of Mechanic

  13. door lock S615

  14. door lock S507

  15. Chow Tai Fook SR 19

  16. 栖也· Habitat民宿

  17. JinQiao WELLEM

  18. Lighting-Flex light

  19. Honey Sweet Hotel

  20. Porcelain Rhyme

  21. Anchovy Packaging

  22. Lotus Restaurant

  23. ∞ infinity

  24. Woodboard Sterilizer

  25. TFC Arch. & Crafts.

  26. Korean Chest

  27. Memory Transmitting

  28. Melody

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