


Korean Chest

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Country Hong Kong
Year 2019
Client Sulwhasoo
Affiliation DaDa Group Limited
Designer Helena Chiu, Karen Lam
Description(English) Sulwhasoo Mother-of-Pearl Chest, houses sample sized skincare products and gift pouches, was designed for the brand’s VVIPs to encourage them to become the brand’s ambassador. Thin layers of Mother-of-Pearl were chiseled into intricate snowflake motif, the brand’s monogram. From grinding and chiseling, lacquering to polishing, all processes were carried by sophisticated handmade masters. Beneath the chest is a removable tray, which can also be placed at the top of the chest for organizing skincare products. Design of the tray is derived from traditional Korean roofs, which resembles the brand’s aesthetics.
Description(Native) 珍珠母美妝櫃是專為韓國美妝品牌雪花秀(Sulwhasoo)尊敬客戶而設計的限定禮品,內藏產品試用裝及精美小索袋,鼓勵客戶將產品與摯友親朋分享。 美妝櫃融合了韓國傳統美學跟工藝,以人手將珍珠母切割並雕鑿成細薄而象徵品牌的雪花圖案,再逐一鑲嵌及打磨,使珍珠母受光線折射時展現出璀燦光澤。 產品最獨特之處是它的底部有一個可拆卸的托盤,可移動到美妝櫃頂部以放置護膚品或化妝品, 增添了美妝櫃的靈活性及功能性。 而托盤的設計靈感源自韓國傳統屋頂,展現了品牌美學與韓國文化的傳承。 考慮到品牌產品的不同大小,美妝櫃內特設四個抽屜以存放各個尺寸的護膚品,讓客戶可按季度安排補充不同產品到美妝櫃中,從而保持與品牌的密切關係同時增加於宣傳媒體上的曝光率。
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