



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2020
Affiliation Hunan University
Designer HaoTan, ShenglanPeng, AiqiLiu, JianlinLing, ChunwangYang
Description(English) VOC is a smart APP that assists design researchers and other people to autonomously complete collecting, analyzing and reporting the interviewing protocol data. It integrates AI and user research technologies to build up an autonomous interview research with less steps and time. VOC is designed not only for professionals but for amateurs. One-click design allows amateurs are easy to start recording, highlight key point, generate interview report, view the report and trace back to transcript. It can also be used in many research domains with different plug-ins, such as oral history and so on.
Description(Native) VOC是一款智能应用程序,它可以帮助设计人员和其他人员自动完成收集、分析和报告访谈方案。在完成访谈后,研究者可以自主获取访谈全文、研究成果和报告,节省了大量的时间和研究步骤。它集成了人工智能和用户研究技术,以更少的步骤和时间建立一个自主访谈研究。VOC通过对AI的设计,创造了一种新的智能用户研究模式。人工智能过程中的实时的语音到文本可视化和实时的显示,使人工智能可以被感知和解释。VOC不仅为专业人士设计,也为业余爱好者设计。一键式设计,让业余爱好者很容易完成开始记录、突出关键点、生成采访报告、查看报告、追溯原始报告等一系列操作。它还可以应用于许多研究领域,如口述历史、街头采访、心理咨询、市场调查等等。它还可以用于多种场景,帮助研究者实现更方便、高效的访谈。
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  1. Multi purpose vacuum cleaner

  2. The Reflective Rice Grains

  3. Z-LAMP

  4. VOC

  5. Dian Chi Ming Men

  6. Wufang Architectural Design

  7. U Style Office

  8. A Serene Hideaway

  9. Sales Office of Dejia Mansion

  10. Calm the World

  11. SUNWA-office.TW

  12. Opus One


  14. Du Tea

  15. Hahoe mask

  16. Laozi Said

  17. BEI


  19. Pristin brand identity design

  20. My Old Kid

  21. 盲文体

  22. Pet Treats Studio

  23. Protece Collar

  24. Breathing House

  25. Protractor Compasses

  26. Indeterminacy

  27. PSIT2020

  28. Game

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