


Laozi Said

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Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Client Laozi Said
Affiliation China University of Technology
Designer 李國屹, TANGSHAO-WEI, RickyChen
Description(English) This design classifies the content of the Tao Te Ching into three chapters: About Tao, Practice Tao and Governance, which can be fully unfolded into a large piece, On the cover of the booklet, the abstract concept of Tao is presented by Chinese calligraphy - running-cursive script, with the moral of Tao represented by simplified symbols: The hill is the world of Laozi, the flowing water is the symbol of softness, and the dot is the time of all things in the world. The way of getting along with all people and things needs time to get the Tao that Laozi was advocating.
Description(Native) 《道德經》是道家最權威的著作。該設計將《道德經》的內容分為三章:“論道,修道,治世”,將古老的哲學思想轉化為說明性材料。以可折疊的經摺書形式出版和展示,可以折疊成一體,就像一系列涵蓋了生活大智慧的哲學思想一樣。以引起大部分讀者的興趣。 在經書的封面上,以中國書法(草書)表現了道的抽象概念,道的道德用簡化的符號表示:山是老子的世界,流水是柔軟的象徵,點是世界萬物的時間。與所有人和事物相處的方式需要時間才能得到老子提倡的道。 在書盒設計上,我們希望能讓這份作品增加經書的收藏價值還有達到永續保存的目的,因此我們在書盒設計中加入了可以升降拿取的內部結構,賦予整套經文更多的展示價值,創新詮釋道德經的內涵。
Website www.facebook.com/pg/LaoziSaid/about/?ref=page_internal
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