

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2020
Client Wufang Architectural Design Firm(Shanghai)
Affiliation Jilin HOHA Advertising Co., Ltd
Designer Yuanzhao Xia
Description(English) Wufang means freedom and infinity.Based on the original spirit of architectural design, the work advocates the idea of boundless design with the core of “being boundless”.The logo consists of two parts. The lower part is the hidden foundation of architecture, which refers to the essence of unlimited growth. The upper part is an architectural frame growing upward, which forms the traditional Chinese character “Wu”. The names of the guidance system are from Buddhist meditation terms, which mean all things are empty and they are either dying nor being born. They coordinate with the environment.
Description(Native) 项目名称:无方建筑 项目客户:无方建筑设计事务所(上海) 项目设计:吉林省后和广告有限公司 夏远昭 公司地址:吉林省长春市高新区飞跃路咖啡小镇S5栋后和广告 设计时间:2019年10月 无方建筑品牌形象设计简述: 无方,即无束,无界。 创作遵循建筑设计的本源精神,以打破边界的“无法无天”为核心,倡导设计无界的理念。 标志图形创作分为上下两部分。 下半部为隐没的建筑根基,亦指无界生长的源头精髓; 上半部为向上而生的建筑框架,构成主题繁体“无”字,突出建筑设计的行业属性。 打坐在建筑上的修禅者,寓意思考下的万物皆空。 导视系统命名采用佛学禅修术语,与场景环境互为融合,意指诸法空相,不生不灭。
Website www.hohachina.com
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