

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2020
Affiliation Beijing Institute Of Fashion Technology
Designer QiuQi, YuHong, Kong Yaran, Jiang Lei, Zhang Feng
Description(English) This is a new design of convenient bicycle lock. It has three functions, fingerprint unlocking, magnetic fixing and reflective warning. Fingerprint unlocking can prevent the distress caused by losing the key. Magnetic fixing can make sure that the bicycle lock is firmly adsorbed on the seat tube. Reflective strips can ensure the safety of riding at night. Since the connector of bicycle seat post is standardized, the lock can be suitable for both bicycle manufacturer’ quantity purchasing and consumers who want to replace the part.
Description(Native) 这是一款新型便捷的车锁设计,它具有指纹解锁、磁吸固定、反光警示三大功能。该设计突破了传统车锁的形态限制,创新性地将车锁与自行车座管结合。 指纹解锁功能,可以防止因丢失钥匙而带来的苦恼。磁吸功能,可以保证车锁稳固地吸附在车座圆管上。反光条可以增加夜晚骑行安全感。 自行车座管接口有统一标准,无论是自行车制造企业采购该锁安装在自行车上,或者是消费者想对已有自行车车座进行更换,它都可以满足。
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