

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2021
Client Jinan Lixia Holding Group Co., Ltd.
Affiliation Vantree Design Co., Ltd.
Designer Muchuan Xu, Minxi Cai, Lanting Li, Zhongning Zhang, Guanbao Ye
Description(English) The concept of staff canteen has gradually evolved from the eastern ancient ‘corridor meal’ and the western ‘cold food before meal’. The diversity of space often depends on the strength of class, which has the characteristics of the times. The design inspiration of this case comes from the exploration of the space elements of the canteen. With the ‘grid’ design thinking, the design is implanted from the line of sight and streamline. It aims to break the sense of hierarchy and sequence of traditional canteen, and form a relaxed and active space atmosphere with efficient communication.
Description(Native) 本项目地处济南历下区繁茂地带,其中,本员工餐厅将作为了这一片区的“员工餐饮文化名片”,为使用者提供就餐,洽谈等功能需求。“员工餐厅”这一概念,从古代“廊餐”、西方的“餐前冷食”逐渐演变,空间的多样性往往取决于阶级性的强度,极具时代特色。 在空间设计上有意运用的大面积人造石、金属线条与绿意的互动作用,在严肃的空间中使得线条、材质与色彩之间有了表情与互动,明与暗的层次、虚与实的对比,丰富着空间的意境氛围,凸显了生态与未来使命的艺术现象。实木、金属网、镜面钢等材料运用于流线型的功能体块。客户化定制的座椅组合,以符合人体工学的形态和皮革软包材质,让体验的舒适度达到最大值。 步入餐厅,富有冲击力的色调吸引住人们的眼球,镜面天花板与室内其他元素相呼应,引导了人们视线点,打破传统餐厅空间所具有的阶级性与距离感。使就餐人员无论坐在餐厅的哪里,都能拥有独特的视野与体验感。复古一直在流行,设计师用亘古不变的优雅与考究中的简洁,延续20世纪留给世界浓墨重彩的印象。绿、蓝、黄这些经典色系,被覆上一层代表未知的“灰度”,视觉感受更为柔和。 本案设计难度在于需要对员工餐厅的空间要素探索,并从视线与流线上进行设计植入。要打破传统员工餐厅的层级感与序列感,形成轻松活跃,沟通效率的空间氛围,要在严肃的空间中凸显了生态与未来使命的艺术现象。
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  3. Open-close Stretcher

  4. The Jadeite Sales Center


  6. Companion HEYTEA Pet Friendly Theme Store

  7. Staff canteen

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  11. Rebirth

  12. Tape Art by TAPE THAT

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  17. RixRak-Series Font

  18. Dirty Trunk

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  20. Kid'o

  21. Zimmer Frame

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  23. Airplane Service, Always-Tway

  24. O&R TISSUE

  25. Tube Lock For Bicycle

  26. Mist Roamer

  27. 'Life is Line'series

  28. Korean Crests

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