

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2021
Client FillSTUDIO
Affiliation FillSTUDIO
Designer Yang Yuewen, Wu Jin, Lin Qianzhi, Zeng Chunmei, Sun Guodong
Description(English) We have attempted to make the studio space feel like air: objective, homogeneous, concrete and yet abstract. It cannot say anything, but when you immerse yourself in it, it is as if time and space are homogeneous.  The designer has tried to interact and strike a balance with the original spatial structure by adapting the site, leveraging its advantages, or simply by implementing the desired effects. This is an energy field related to “objects”. The designer never tires of managing the space. It's an endless game of seeking a balance between internal and external, the macro and the micro.
Description(Native) 一楼是一个集接待活动、产品研究、艺廊空间为一体的多功能空间。Studio两层的空间状态存在明显的差异性:一楼在空间体量上趋向于古典性和对称性,空间作为背景,要有足够干净利索的框架和客观性来支撑未来所有可能性的陈列变化,这对设计者至关重要。 设计者通过对空间比例的控制及对自然光线(作为至关重要的材料)的绝对遵从与把握,为Studio赋予了一种身在其中,人与物同质化的氛围。人与物品各得其所,无主从关系,被唤醒的物品每天都散发着新鲜的感觉,人在空间里对物的感知得到了充分的开发。 二楼的空间氛围相对活跃,其中分布有办公,会议,及书吧休闲功能。阵列分布,高低错落的造型天花(低的天花造型为封掉不规律分布的建筑梁而设)与两侧靠墙的柜体在虚实节奏上形成对应,这是场地结构与功能需求共同达成的结果。导轨射灯安排在天花造型侧面使得在某些空间尽端视点上有“见光不见灯”的效果。 空间里的物品会经常发生一些变化。一件物品添加进来,或是某些时段自然光的骤然变化,亦或是友人的拜访也可能使得设计者重新去统筹空间里的状态。Studio的空间状态在某种程度上暗示了设计团队的空间观念及尝试以跨学科的工作方式去实践当代生活与美学的强烈愿景。
Website mp.weixin.qq.com/s/T3S65Vis1Ii8WTnLYK0QQA
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  1. Fillstudio Office

  2. Zhuwei Space

  3. Open-close Stretcher

  4. The Jadeite Sales Center


  6. Companion HEYTEA Pet Friendly Theme Store

  7. Staff canteen

  8. Office of Lestas Inc.


  10. BONVON AR glasses

  11. Rebirth

  12. Tape Art by TAPE THAT

  13. Clair K - Air Purifier

  14. Metamorphosis in the Forest

  15. Hide and Climb

  16. House in Minohshinmachi

  17. RixRak-Series Font

  18. Dirty Trunk

  19. Shiuyuan café

  20. Kid'o

  21. Zimmer Frame

  22. 꿿뛟쒫쀍: 이글꼴좀봐

  23. Airplane Service, Always-Tway

  24. O&R TISSUE

  25. Tube Lock For Bicycle

  26. Mist Roamer

  27. 'Life is Line'series

  28. Korean Crests

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