


Shanghai Grand Theatre

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Country China
Year 2022
Affiliation QIU design
Designer Sitao Qiu, Simin Qiu
Description(English) Shanghai Grand Theatre, built in 1994, the first comprehensive theater in China. However, with its extension to diverse forms of culture and art activities, it committed to go beyond a place just for watching the show, but a culture platform where people can come and experience. QIU created a visual language that lived up to the iconic shape of the building with more meaningful expressions and space to engage with audience at various levels.
Description(Native) 上海大剧院,国内首家高等级综合剧院,将众多国际性顶级艺术表演与剧团带入中国与观众见面。它致力于打造中国剧院的标杆,艺术表演的高地,也作为一座城市的文化腹地,去真正“打入”现代人生活,成为更多普通人日常文化生活的一部分。 然而剧院建筑手绘风格的标识,无法应用在不同层面的文化内容。它记录建筑,但没有形成观众对于上海大剧院品牌认知。观众都还停留在,上海大剧院是一个“来看剧的‘地点’”,没有进一步去和剧院本身产生连接。 从“描绘建筑“到“呈现品牌角色” — QIU希望通过此次视觉更新,演绎上海大剧院对与文化艺术生活的中心角色。凸显舞台艺术独特性的同时,包容更多元化的艺术形式及文化表达,让视觉和戏剧一样有穿透力。并保留建筑作为视觉链接,戏剧艺术作为真正打动人心的核心内容。
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  1. Casee Cutting Edge UV Disinfecting Case

  2. Tranquil Fusion

  3. HYGGE

  4. PaMu Z1 TWS Earbuds

  5. Endless Phantom

  6. Sharing Art

  7. An inviting indigo condo

  8. House with a garden

  9. Shanghai Grand Theatre

  10. Choshida house

  11. Bezier W

  12. Emerge from the Cocoon and be Reborn

  13. Huating Ziyuan Villa

  14. The Realm of Rustic Light

  15. Z


  17. Dream in the East

  18. Companionship of Well being

  19. Waltz

  20. Neutral Line

  21. T for Tolerance

  22. EVery Charger

  23. Pnzz mosquito repellent

  24. Picabl

  25. Casset

  26. purr

  27. Split

  28. freezm

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