



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2022
Affiliation Yuduo Interior Design
Designer Hsueh Yu Yeh
Description(English) The softness of curves in the space reduces the sharpness of corners, symbolizing the happiness of the family and giving a scene a sense of roundness.The hollow titanium-plated metal and pure white silver fox marble are the vista of the entrance. The light reflected from the metal lends an extravagant and restrained texture to the scene. The composite material structures the main TV wall. Different colors of wood above and below echo each other. The lacquered iron parts of the belt are in geometric trapezoids, connecting with the silver fox marble main wall. The light ribbons serve to guide the visual movement.
Description(Native) 母親對子女的愛總是偉大且無私的。 一手拉拔兩個孩子長大,在肩上責任稍微減輕後,希望能為自己圓一個設計夢。 在設計表現上,揚棄冷冽的線條、制式的格局,融入高質感的元素,打造有如精品般的輕奢空間。 我們以簍空的鍍鈦金屬與淨白的銀狐大理石為玄關端景,藉由金屬折射的光芒,烘托輕奢內斂場域質地。 複合材質架構電視主牆,上下以不同色系的木質相互呼應。 腰帶烤漆鐵件以幾何梯形向銀狐大理石主牆遞進串聯,並利用光帶的引導視覺動線。 沙發背牆以木格柵呼應玄關端景,溫潤的木元素圍塑靜謐氛圍。 一幅當代藝術的奈良美智畫作,注入一抹時尚氣息。 揚棄僵化的場域分野,以筆直的廊道為軸線,讓區域各自獨立卻又相互串聯。 大量的曲面弧形由公領域延展至臥室,架構鬆弛有度的流暢感。 簡約的傢俬倚靠著立面的暖棕木皮,將時尚的觸角延伸入宅邸卻又不失馨暖氣息。 空間中使用永續性的環保材質及低甲醛建材,在追求舒適生活的同時也顧及健康安全。
Website bruce-yeh.com
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