


Bezier W

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2022
Affiliation StudioX4
Designer Li Yu Cheng, Yu Chen Chen, Hsiu Chu Lin
Description(English) The apartment owner is a content creator, requiring an open, yet informal, living area where is free to brainstorming and sharing ideas. Inherit the advantages of three-side daylighting, the layout scatters monolithic blocks of storage. The slim open shelving sustains a see-through feeling. Two Bezier surfaces follow with beams and columns, and downwardly intersected, undermining the eyesore of hulking structural beams. Illumination devices are recessed with trajectories of Bezier surface, not only expand spacious visuality in the master bedroom, but also is a pendant for reading music while piano playing in the living area.
Description(Native) 本案屋主為創意工作者,希望公領域不限於視聽觀賞,亦能作動態活動使用,因此將空間留白敞開,反而更益於親子生活與思想激盪。設計重點著墨於立面視覺連貫性,考量現址結構樑體高度過高,為避免居住空間感受迫,除基礎的平面動線配置,為達視覺輕量化、任曲線及銳角在三維向度中自由變換,賦予空間一種具懸念的矛盾美感。沿樑柱縱橫向下彎曲,讓視覺聚焦於兩條貝茲曲線交集點,弱化公領域及主臥室原柱體結構過大之實,沿曲線軌跡設置間接照明,延伸臥室寬闊感;另一曲線交集點向下,則於閱讀角落營造光源。 為維持基地現況的三面採光優勢,碎化制式集中管理的收納系統,不僅分散櫃體位置,也創造新形態的收納形式:公領域牆面可見簡練的金屬層架,置物空間亦維持通透視線,窗台下另見玻璃層板結合活動式多功能矮櫃,可作收納箱及傢俱矮凳,活化空間使用彈性,且不失空間機能。
Website www.studiox4.com
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