


project JB

Extra Form
Country China Hong Kong
Year 2023
Affiliation zinc studio Co., Ltd.
Designer Shin Ng, Kim Yam, Heather ng
Description(English) The residence’s new owners are a young couple who are building a lovenest that they could call home. Therefore, we want to foster a homecoming experience by creating pockets of spaces. With the new design, the owner returns home to an entryway which allows them to collect their thoughts for a moment. Then the wall is rounded off with a stylish filet, which leads to the living room with an open kitchen on one side, and a study room on the other. As a result, the living room looks more elongated and spacious. It creates a dynamic and smooth circulation from rooms to rooms, which is ideal for day-to-day life routine or for friends gathering.
Description(Native) 黃埔青樺苑 - 起居裏的圓 日常中的尖銳,唯有磨合、使之圓潤,才會讓一切變得稱心合意。大刀闊斧重整多稜角又欠實用的隔局;以空間的圓弧轉折,改造及提升空間的機能。 打開大門,理出一段玄關走道,讓「回家」生出一份儀式感。延展牆身,用弧形收邊代替俐落直角。把原本的廳區改劃成主人房,鑽石形的尖角被重塑成圓滑的空間,為倆小口構建出更闊落的睡眠區。 異於常人的框架,舊有玄關旁的廚房改成客廁,重塑出圓弧設計廚區與廳區的連繫,輕巧靈活又能填補基本需求。勾勒流線空間,適度修飾空間的突兀侷促感。 小單位,窗戶少。幸而外景開揚,由實牆間隔轉換成通透玻璃,把日光引入室內。先明媚光線照灑在綠色的廚區上,為小天地帶起明亮節奏。
Website www.zincstudio.co
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