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Country China Hong Kong
Year 2023
Client Omnijoi International Cinema
Affiliation Design consultant
Designer Yan Yik Lun, Marco Choi
Description(English) Early projection arts relied on natural light and fire with making shadow of humans’ hands resemble animal forms such as dog, rabbit or bird. While nowadays, with an opto-mechanical device, humans utilize the physics of light and project the visuals onto big screen. This project is inspired by the light travelling in straight line, which linear trajectory has become the key design element for the space. Having thousands of intersecting lines covering the entire movie theatre lobby, it brings a powerful visual effect with stunning spatial tension.
Description(Native) 幸福藍海鹽城悅達國際影城 投影 - 是電影放映的重要技術,牛津詞典將拉丁語中的“proicere”或““throw forth”定義為“在表面上呈現圖像”。 其他定義也遵循類似的思路,但都幾乎都忽略了最重要的元素:光。 早期的投影藝術依靠自然光和火,將人手的影子製作成狗、兔子或鳥等動物的形狀。 現今,通過光學機械設備,人類利用光的物理特性通過光把動態影像投射到大屏幕上,給觀眾帶來視覺震撼。 影城項目的設計靈感來自於直線傳播的光線投影,利用光投影的線性軌跡特性作設計元素,把放射性的直線軌跡成為空間的關鍵設計元素。以數百條交錯的線條元素包圍影廳大堂空間,帶來震撼的視覺效果和令人驚嘆的空間張力。
Website www.imod.com.hk
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