



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2023
Designer Xu Zhu
Description(English) The main entrance is a semi-arc shape, and the promenade after entering is composed of semi-arc shapes. The color of the entire corridor will change with the color change of the light film. The ground is composed of Brazilian amethyst and shells, as well as hand-selected terrazzo. Under the light, the amethyst and shells on the ground will emit different light. The partition of the hairdressing area is made of vertical glass, with soft lighting, reflecting the flickering figure. The bar is a combination of natural stone and metal, the perfect harmony between natural texture and metal.
Description(Native) 因为客户定位以女性为主,所以整体空间的打造采用了很多弧形元素,并且整体的色调是明亮干净的,主入口是一个半弧形的造型,进入之后的长廊都由半弧形组成,墙面的灯膜以“镜禧”的logo色为可变光,整个长廊的色彩会随着灯膜的色彩变化而变幻。地面也是整个设计的重点,因为是加入了巴西紫水晶和贝壳,以及手工挑选的水磨石组成,在灯光和自然光下地面的紫水晶与贝壳会散发出不同的光芒。 整个墙面和顶面都使用的是加入细闪金粉的丝绸艺术涂料,更具有女性的精致和特别。 美发区的隔断使用的是竖纹玻璃,搭配柔和的灯光,倒映出忽明忽暗的身影,整个空间更加梦幻。 吧台是天然石材与金属的结合,自然肌理感和金属感的完美融洽,凸显时尚感。
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