


Preface to Lanting

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation Guangdong Piano Customized Furniture Co., Ltd.
Designer ZhuangZaili, ChenHaoTao, ShiWenChao
Description(English) The Lanting Preface series carries the unique aesthetics and spirit of the East, the use of modern aesthetic design techniques, to plain and beautiful walnut-based color, the traditional elements, such as peony, folding fan, Moire, Chinese column foundation and so on, are mixed in the home, and the space-time interlace, and transform into the new Chinese style,which merges the oriental philosophy and beauty with the times, Derived a new generation of New Oriental lifestyle.
Description(Native) 兰亭序系列承载了东方特有的审美、精神。运用了现代美学的设计手法,以素净的锦绣胡桃为主色,将牡丹、折扇、云纹、中式柱础等传统元素融于家居之中,时空交错,蜕变出东方哲美气息与时代融合的新中,式衍生新一代新东方生活方式。在工艺方面使用了真实微肤感黑桃胡肌理材料和仿生牡丹花纹为主材搭配。同时运用六面同色同纹工艺,正面与四边造型设计使用膜压技术生产,背面则使用同色同纹胡桃木三胺浸胶纸来作为打底,在不增加成本和工艺的前提下,实现门板六面同色的工艺。在材料表面上也使用抗污抗菌特性,能够有效的保护健康问题。在空间上我们进行了橱柜、电视柜、衣柜、茶室、餐边柜、卫浴柜、阳台柜等一系列的设计,以及配套的成品家具和软装,来更好打造出一款东方美学的家居产品。
Positive Comments
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  1. The Project collaborated by Samlip and Knoted

  2. Gloaming Inspiration

  3. Treasure of Spring

  4. zheng tian wan


  6. Preface to Lanting

  7. Leaflet for Dalgubul Center for Independent Living


  9. Worldwide Journey of Banban

  10. Zebra Logic Learning Tablet

  11. QingLv

  12. Yoo Beer

  13. Ethereal Woodland

  14. Bamboo Electronic Cigarette

  15. Yiwu Peach Blossom Land Villa

  16. UV Air Sterilizer Virus care

  17. Air purifier and sterilizer

  18. REFREZ

  19. DOGYAM

  20. MARSA HQ

  21. Tranquility Grey

  22. New Chinese Moon Series Interior Design

  23. Art Toy Cafe

  24. The mystery of flowers

  25. Gujin Rebranding

  26. A Realm of Tranquility

  27. The Vintage

  28. Porcelain Art Gallery

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