


zheng tian wan

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2023
Client Jiayi Design Co., Ltd.
Affiliation China Resources Sanjiu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Designer Duan Hongli, Chen Jiayi, Xu Mengzhen, Chen Deteng, Zhao yizhu
Description(English) Chinese people have had the habit of using the residue of Chinese Herbs to soak feet to alleviate diseases since ancient times. Nowadays, the residue from which active ingredients were extracted is often discarded in the production process of Chinese patent medicine. In this design, the residue of Chinese Herbs is pressed into pharmaceutical packaging for recycling. After taking the medicine, the packaging made of Chinese medicine residue can be used to soak feet, achieving the effect of relieving the discomfort and getting to zero emissions.
Description(Native) 在中国,用中药渣泡脚是中国人自古以来用来缓解不适和强身健体的方式之一。如今,在中成药的生产过程中,提取有效成分后的药渣通常被丢弃,而这些浪费的中药渣中还含有部分的药性利用价值。因此,我们决定回收废弃的中药渣用来制作出该中成药盒的外包装,代替传统意义上的纸包装,达到零排放零污染的最佳可持续效果。我们使用100%的中药渣压模制成该药品的外包装,直观地体现原材料的质感,外包装上的圆形图案分别对应内包装的药丸,最后通过丝网印刷工艺制作出来,为了抓住消费者的第一视觉,易于阅读性,包装上的信息编排设计简单清晰,整体视觉干净简约。由于外包装是包装内中药提取后的药渣压制而成,仍具备有效的药性成分,所以当人们需要购买该药品时,可以在服用包装内的药品后,将外包装水溶用来泡脚舒缓不适,达到内服外用的疗效。同时,外包装设计以组合套装的形式方便人们以掰开的方式打开使用。我们对于这款可用于泡脚的中药渣制成的药品包装研发,不仅是为社会的可持续发展贡献自己的力量,也让可持续产品融入到人们的生活中,提高了中国消费者对可持续产品的自觉意识和绿色环保的全球观,带动了人们的购买积极性,促进了可持续产品的销量,荣获社会大众的一致好评。
Positive Comments
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  1. The Project collaborated by Samlip and Knoted

  2. Gloaming Inspiration

  3. Treasure of Spring

  4. zheng tian wan


  6. Preface to Lanting

  7. Leaflet for Dalgubul Center for Independent Living


  9. Worldwide Journey of Banban

  10. Zebra Logic Learning Tablet

  11. QingLv

  12. Yoo Beer

  13. Ethereal Woodland

  14. Bamboo Electronic Cigarette

  15. Yiwu Peach Blossom Land Villa

  16. UV Air Sterilizer Virus care

  17. Air purifier and sterilizer

  18. REFREZ

  19. DOGYAM

  20. MARSA HQ

  21. Tranquility Grey

  22. New Chinese Moon Series Interior Design

  23. Art Toy Cafe

  24. The mystery of flowers

  25. Gujin Rebranding

  26. A Realm of Tranquility

  27. The Vintage

  28. Porcelain Art Gallery

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