

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation LIHO Interior Design
Description(English) Through the vicissitudes of life, people learn how to simplify an engaged existence. The home lady hopes that the accent of the home is on “simplicity and warmth” for the home master’s treatment. Hence, we prepared a simplified layout plan; it returns to the essence and integrates the materials of nature with the neutral color schemes. “A Realm of Tranquility” brings out the concept of Wabi-Sabi that takes one’s harmonized body and soul to a tranquil surrounding. Without superfluous furnishings, homeowners have plenty of flexibility to adapt arrangements. In the home, they can have a quiet and well-being sense of life.
Description(Native) 全室採用低彩度配色,奠定平和安定的基調,透過些許幽微的暖黃光源,於喧囂的日常中安放身心。間隙中予以適當留白,調和亮度之餘,亦呼應了侘寂的空無哲學,騰出更多思考和想像空間。當日光進駐,場域瞬時充滿生息,隨時序推移,呈現不同面貌;點亮了家居,也浸潤了心緒。 屋主喜於深色木皮,於是我們在家具、窗框、檯面,都加上這樣的元素,並選以微水泥漆嵌合其中,其斑駁紋理凸顯侘寂風格的素淨與質樸,欣賞歷經時間刻鑿的痕跡,靜雅而內斂。在充斥大量物質選擇的現代,跳脫框架返璞於真,更能體會生活的況味,感受事物本質的美好。 因應屋主一家初從透天厝搬至大樓,在空間格局上不免有不適應感,也有大量的收納需求。因此我們去除空間多餘裝飾,將櫃體線條拉齊,僅透過簡易家具擺設劃分區域,打造開放式格局。而一致性的色系肌底,在日光浸沐下,也圍塑出明亮通透的視覺,心境伴隨視野與之開闊,無形中產生視覺放大的效果。
Positive Comments
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  2. Gloaming Inspiration

  3. Treasure of Spring

  4. zheng tian wan


  6. Preface to Lanting

  7. Leaflet for Dalgubul Center for Independent Living


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  11. QingLv

  12. Yoo Beer

  13. Ethereal Woodland

  14. Bamboo Electronic Cigarette

  15. Yiwu Peach Blossom Land Villa

  16. UV Air Sterilizer Virus care

  17. Air purifier and sterilizer

  18. REFREZ

  19. DOGYAM

  20. MARSA HQ

  21. Tranquility Grey

  22. New Chinese Moon Series Interior Design

  23. Art Toy Cafe

  24. The mystery of flowers

  25. Gujin Rebranding

  26. A Realm of Tranquility

  27. The Vintage

  28. Porcelain Art Gallery

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