

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation Guangdong Soseki Technology Co., Ltd.
Designer Jianhong Zou, Hong Zhang, Bo Liu, Jiao Yang
Description(English) The mini washer and dryer combo can automatically wash, dry, and sterilize underwear. Instead of rubbing clothes against each other or dashing them on the tumble walls, its industry-first Micro Bubble Suspension technology can release numerous nano-bubbles for a mild but thorough cleaning result. It will then dry clothes at a low-temp and negative-pressure condition, to prevent fabric damage. If clothes are left in it for a long time or even overnight, its "smart care" function will be set off, performing cyclic ventilation to keep odour at bay. Even better, over 99.9% of bacteria can be killed through its all-round sterilization process.
Description(Native) 作为一款全自动迷你衣物护理设备,该产品集内衣清洗、烘干、消毒等功能于一体,致力于为用户提供便捷、卫生、彻底的内衣清洁方案,从而解放用户双手。设计团队首创采用了MBS进行“按摩清洗”。能够让衣物“悬浮”在水中,并借助微气泡的空化效应进行清洁,(而非机械清洗),衣物间不会产生摩擦、缠绕、拉扯和摔打(波轮、滚筒的洗涤原理),避免面料磨损。 在清洗完毕之后,这款产品能够在密封舱内形成负压环境,以低温、柔和的方式逐步烘干,使衣物在烘干后保持面料规整。同时,该产品具备衣物智能托管功能,在洗烘程序结束后,能够为桶内循环输送新风,避免因遗忘甚至过夜搁置而产生异味。 与传统单桶洗涤仓设计相比,这款产品采用风道水道一体化设计,桶壁可与衣物一同烘干,避免了双桶洗衣机在内外桶之间易潮湿、积垢,导致细菌、病毒滋生,使衣物交叉感染的痛点。同时,该产品内置“UV消毒+巴氏杀菌+皂液消毒”三重杀菌措施,综合杀菌率超过99.9%(包括常见流感病毒、Covid-19、HPV-18等)。 这款产品搭载侧方投液模块,能够根据清洗模式智能投入皂液,有效避免了用户手动投液难以控制皂液量的痛点,更加便捷省心。此外,这款产品达到了IPX4级防水防渗漏标准,能够避免水滴渗透,为浴室的安装使用带来保障。
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