



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2023
Affiliation China University of Mining and Technology
Designer Yufei Gao, Jiaxin Lyu, Wenxuan Ji, Yi Huang, Ying Zhang
Description(English) BRUSE is a high-end outdoor abrasion rescue stick, designed by designers to reintegrate the various processes of abrasion care for the problem that users' outdoor abrasion appliances are not easy to carry. The shape of the product from top to bottom corresponds to the front to back of the usage process. Redesigned spray heads enable cleaning and disinfection steps, reintegrating band-aids and antibiotics for easy pull-use. The bandage compartment is used for dressing common wounds and rapid hemostasis on larger wounds. The instruction manual is directly printed on the product, which is more convenient to operate and use.
Description(Native) BRUSE是一款高端户外擦伤救急棒,设计师针对用户户外擦伤器具不易携带的问题,重新整合擦伤护理的各个流程所做的设计。产品的造型的从上到下对应使用流程的从前到后。再设计的转换喷头可以实现第一步使用消毒水柱清理和消毒喷雾消毒的步骤,重新整合的创可贴和抗生素胶带式设计,可以实现第二步预防和保护的步骤方便用户拉取使用。产品尾部的绷带仓则是应对普通伤口包扎和较大伤口快速止血使用,用户对应流程从上到下的操作,如遇紧急情况直接使用绷带治学,为就医争取时间。产品将整合设计做到了极致,说明书直接印刻在产品上,操作使用更加方便。产品的所有元件皆为再设计,空间利用里高达93%,消毒喷瓶也在如此狭小的护理棒中达到了1.5oz。创可贴和抗生素的胶带式方便用户,也为产品带来了独到的品牌特色。产品尺寸长13.5cm,可以轻松放入户外爱好者背包的任何角落。
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  28. Immersion in light and shadow

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