

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2023
Affiliation SKY EYE LEAGUE Co.
Designer Chia Yen Hung, Jen Wei Chien, Tsung Wei Yeh, Ting Hui Chang
Description(English) The main walkways inside are shrouded in mist, which not only echoes the theme of the molten heat, but also adds a mystical aura, like that of a fairyland. In the distance, there is a display of oversized diamond-like sculptures, complemented by white natural stones on either side, adding an element of Chinese antiquity and mystical ambiance to the space. Assisted by the complement of red-hued lighting and a copious cluster of overhead light globes, an expansive and exquisitely refined visual effect emerges.
Description(Native) 我們也特別請到為南北故宮、威尼斯雙年展、各地美術館燈光佈光的台灣知名燈光大師-何仲昌先生作為本次的燈光顧問,讓岩漿整體的燈光有種不同於其他空間的迷幻感。 除了外觀延續店名本身炙熱、滾燙鮮紅的流線感之外,進入店內一抬頭就看到的懸浮石頭,還未開吃就有滿滿的視覺震撼。 室內主要走道兩側繚繞著水霧,在整體偏暗色系的空間之中不僅呼應著岩漿熱氣的主題,更為環境抹上一層仙境感。 遠處放置超大如鑽石的端景搭配兩旁白色原石,也為創造出帶點中式、古老的神秘氛圍,更藉由紅色燈光的輔助和座位區上方佈滿的大量光球群,形成一種既開闊又相當精緻的視覺效果,讓客人彷彿置身在有滿點星光的藝廊,而非一般的鍋物店之中,成為台中新興的食尚代表。
Website www.skyeyeleague.com
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  3. Protfire

  4. LOYON Medical transportation robots

  5. Light behind the curtain

  6. Moars

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  16. Overall hidden button sports water cup

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  26. MaruMaru Lash

  27. Tealog

  28. Immersion in light and shadow

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