



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2024
Affiliation Fu Jen Catholic University
Designer Yang Sin Ping, Fang Hsin Yu, Fan Chiang Nien Chen, Huang Yu Chien
Description(English) Ocean noise is invisible but poses a threat to marine life. Human activities like construction, shipping, and warfare can cause marine life to lose direction, organ damage, or even die. Unlike other pollutions, ocean noise is reversible, with solutions available to address it. To raise awareness, we created canned fish to represent 15 marine species most affected by noise. These cans symbolize how ocean noise impacts marine life and act as a visual cue to capture attention. By scanning the cans' AR video, people can experience the effect of ocean noise. Informative brochure provides further insights and encourages action to resolve the issue.
Description(Native) 海洋噪音它看不見、摸不到,對海洋生物有著致命的危機。 人們理所當然地在海洋進行各種活動、開發,像是工程、航運及戰爭,這些都會影響到海洋生物的生存能力,會造成他們迷失方向,器官損傷、甚至死亡。 但海洋噪音其實存在可逆性,和其他污染不同,它的逆轉幾乎是即時的,也有現存的解決方案。 因此我們想讓大家看見海洋噪音這個議題,瞭解它對海洋動物的影響,促使人們保護、改善這個問題。 我們將海洋噪音具象化,以受影響的結果分為五大類,從中選取15隻代表性的海洋生物,製成魚罐頭引起關注。 魚罐頭作為海洋生物與大眾日常的連結,不僅吸睛,也是透過平常可以接觸到的物品與大眾產生共鳴,和無法聽、看見的噪音產生衝突。罐頭也有保存、保值的意象,表達遭海洋噪音污染的未來,僅存這些空下的罐頭,替牠們述說悲慘的遭遇。 再藉由掃描罐頭的AR互動影片產生興趣,深切感受海洋噪音,並透過說明手冊能更深入認識及思考。
Positive Comments
Judging Comments This concept design creatively raises awareness about ocean noise pollution using canned fish to represent affected marine species. The AR video and informative brochure offer an immersive experience and educate the public on this reversible issue. Its innovative approach to environmental advocacy earned the Gold Winner title for its impactful and educational design.
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