

Extra Form
Year 2016
Affiliation Design Action & Associates Limited
Designer Vincent Li
Description(English) Chinese ink painting has a "blank" spirit, the screen will remain blank as appropriate to give the picture of meaning environment and imagination. Designers hope to put the ink painting "blank" spirit into its design. While the client has a collection of Chinese paintings, the designers in order to create a spirit of serene minimalist space to bring out painting mood. Designers hope the project brings the atmosphere soft, quiet and comfortable feeling to the owner. It was like the paintings, brought out the feeling of "Blank" mood and attitude. Since it is often the simplest things are the best.
Description(Native) 中國的水墨畫有着「留白」的精神,將畫面中適當地留以空白來給予畫面的意境與想像空間。設計師希望將此精神放入設計當中。同時配合屋主的中式收藏品,所以利用此概念來打造一個寧靜簡約的空間,以帶出畫中的意境。
Website http://www.designaction.com.hk
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  1. Everlasting Moments


  3. Thrio


  5. Share-refrigerator

  6. loofah rolls

  7. Variation Roadster

  8. Dolphin

  9. Treehole - Bluetooth voice message receiver

  10. Villa Monte Rosa

  11. The Vineyard

  12. Blood Analyzer

  13. Smart table

  14. VISQUE

  15. Extend . Extending

  16. STINGRAY-waterjet Electronic Surfboard

  17. EZI, the DIY paper lighting


  19. Bechou

  20. Care system for senior's residence "FLUGUN-S"

  21. Universal Design Platform System

  22. M1 Singapore Fringe Festival 2016 identity and promotional materials

  23. the Turnover Pacifier

  24. ‘SeptFest 2015’ identity and publicity materials

  25. Child-ish Beer Packaging

  26. Premium Titanium Dish

  27. Liptiquette

  28. Moni Longjing TEA-MOUNTEA

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