



Extra Form
Year 2016
Affiliation changzhou university
Designer Peng Wang, Yunyao Gu, Qi Qiu, Wenjie Zhou, Yang Chen
Description(English) During work time, we always have a hard time judging the depth of hole that the electronic drill has already drilled. Both too deep and too shallow could lead to damage on the structure and material. Thus, we always waste much time to check the depth, which is detrimental to working efficiency.This design aims to solve problems like this in way of dyeing the drill bit in three colors: red, yellow, and blue. The length of each part of them can be adjusted to 2cm, 3cm and so on. By observing the length of each part dyed in various colors, we can decide the depth we already drilled. It not only enhances working efficiency, but also ensures the accuracy of our work.
Description(Native) 电钻在工作中,我们需要进行钻孔施工时,往往会遇到钻多深拿不准的情况,钻深了可能对材料和结构造成破坏,钻潜了又要进行二次钻孔。往往要钻钻停停极大地浪费时间,有损工作效率。此设计采用红黄蓝三色给钻头染色。每段颜色可以根据实际要求改为2cm,3cm等等。我们在施工时钻孔时只要观看钻头深入的颜色就可判断多深,增加了工作效率保证了施工的准确。
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  1. Everlasting Moments


  3. Thrio


  5. Share-refrigerator

  6. loofah rolls

  7. Variation Roadster

  8. Dolphin

  9. Treehole - Bluetooth voice message receiver

  10. Villa Monte Rosa

  11. The Vineyard

  12. Blood Analyzer

  13. Smart table

  14. VISQUE

  15. Extend . Extending

  16. STINGRAY-waterjet Electronic Surfboard

  17. EZI, the DIY paper lighting


  19. Bechou

  20. Care system for senior's residence "FLUGUN-S"

  21. Universal Design Platform System

  22. M1 Singapore Fringe Festival 2016 identity and promotional materials

  23. the Turnover Pacifier

  24. ‘SeptFest 2015’ identity and publicity materials

  25. Child-ish Beer Packaging

  26. Premium Titanium Dish

  27. Liptiquette

  28. Moni Longjing TEA-MOUNTEA

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