



Extra Form
Year 2016
Affiliation Seoul tech
Designer Lee Ho-jun
Description(English) This design is for a shock absorbing wheel which reduces the amount of shock when the wheel rotates on various surfaces including mountains and gravels. By installing a shock absorber on the wheel itself, it enables a smooth and easy glide for the riders. While regular wheels, which directly pass the shock onto the rider, result in secondary and tertiary impacts accumulating stress (exhaustion) for the rider, the new design not only cuts down on the impact but also enables multiple shock absorber installation and presents the rider with a pleasurable ride.
Description(Native) 본 디자인은 산악주행, 자갈밭 등 어디에서든지 지면으로부터의 충격을 감소시켜주는 휠입니다. 휠에 자체완충기를 장착함으로써 더 편하고 부드러운 주행이 가능합니다. 기존의 자전거는 휠에서 받은 충격이 그대로 신체로 전해지기에 2차, 3차 충격이 있어서 피로감이 급상승하는 데에 반해, 새롭게 제안하고자 하는 디자인은 주행 시 쌓이는 피로를 반감시켜줄 뿐 아니라 여러 개의 완충기 장착으로 언제든지 신체에 피로누적 없이 즐거운 라이딩을 할 수 있습니다.
Interview http://www.designsori.com/1032827
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  1. Everlasting Moments


  3. Thrio


  5. Share-refrigerator

  6. loofah rolls

  7. Variation Roadster

  8. Dolphin

  9. Treehole - Bluetooth voice message receiver

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  13. Smart table

  14. VISQUE

  15. Extend . Extending

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  19. Bechou

  20. Care system for senior's residence "FLUGUN-S"

  21. Universal Design Platform System

  22. M1 Singapore Fringe Festival 2016 identity and promotional materials

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  24. ‘SeptFest 2015’ identity and publicity materials

  25. Child-ish Beer Packaging

  26. Premium Titanium Dish

  27. Liptiquette

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