

Extra Form
Country Hong Kong
Year 2017
Client Tenkuni
Affiliation KSCC
Designer Lam Cheung Chun ,Shawn
Description(English) We use Traditional Japanese Garden style as blueprint of this project, also we have used two tradtional materials to divide into two area: Dining and corridor. We used lot of different type of wood for this project, especially oak is the main material. In addition, the ceiling of the restaurant is made of natural oak, that makes the restaurant feels more warm and naturals. Besides wood, we have used Water and Earth in Five Elements for decoration. At the entrance, we use bamboo to create a curve fish tank. We do not need fancy design to attract customer, only the natural and simple will always long lasting.
Description(Native) 源於大自然的木材,有著一股懾人魅力,單是放眼盡覽滿目木色,已自然感覺舒適愜意;觸摸起來,更感温潤自然 此案以和式庭園作設計藍本,以兩種地面素材分間成用餐區及通道。木材於本案亮相次數極多,尤以橡木所佔的地位至為舉足輕重,起串連作用。除了地板外,更以自然橡木鋪展成屋簷吊頂,讓整個空間洋溢自然氣息。 除了木素材作擔綱,我們特意選五行中的水和土原素作意景點綴。在門口玄關位置以竹片拼砌出弧形魚缸,一來可展示水產,令食客加深對食店印象;二來弧形曲向主用餐區連給空間的一致性 更花巧的設計也會有看膩的一天,唯自然簡約永遠也歷久常新
Website http://kscc.io
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  1. The Idea of Multifunctional Screen

  2. The Magical Forest

  3. The New Oriental Art in Westernized Chinese Style

  4. The Residence of All Purpose

  5. The Residence of Sincerity light

  6. The Roof Lifestyle Concept Studio

  7. The Ultra Modernism

  8. The Vivid Postures

  9. ''ZENS'' - Tranquil spiritual philosophy in Apartment

  10. An acre of sunshine

  11. Companionship

  12. Compare and Contrast

  13. Demarcation-breaking


  15. O house

  16. Pyrus House

  17. Sanya Peninsula Clubhouse

  18. Tenkuni Japanese Cusine ,Hong Kong

  19. Villa of Saipan

  20. Yin Yang

  21. YKC III Restaurant

  22. Z house

  23. A chairs

  24. A Touch of Oriental Charm

  25. Bright Cohesive House

  26. Feel at Home - Ashley Hotel

  27. Green Places Community Clubhouse

  28. Kissho Maiko Lotus Pond Water Statue(Golden Maiko)

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