

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2017
Client CITIC Real Estate
Affiliation APEX Design Consultant Company
Designer Joe Chan
Description(English) After space modification, the designers transformed a disposed, dampening and even seemingly leaking space into a grand lobby entrance. Furthermore, the outdoor swimming pool was narrowed and its saved space was brought into indoors and transformed into a 60-m long coffee lounge with the use of full-height glass panel, and coherently decorated with smoky oak grille with a Sanhualiuwan rhombus pattern to connect the individual functional rooms. In addition, the display of large number of artefact and antique Chinese furnitures, creates a sense of the heritage of Chinese culture and harmonious coherence.
Description(Native) 经过一系列的空间修正、防潮防漏处理后,设计师保留原有横梁和柱子的基础上,增加一些横梁作平衡,使之改造成一个极具空间感的大堂。此外,把原来的户外泳池缩窄,用落地玻璃窗把泳池所节省的空间规划到室内,规划出约60米醇香咖啡长廊,并使用三交六椀菱花样式木格栅连贯了长约155米的多个功能空间,再加上大量古玩陈列品和中式家具的配合,使总体感觉统一并彰显中式气派。
Website www.apexdc.hk
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  1. The Idea of Multifunctional Screen

  2. The Magical Forest

  3. The New Oriental Art in Westernized Chinese Style

  4. The Residence of All Purpose

  5. The Residence of Sincerity light

  6. The Roof Lifestyle Concept Studio

  7. The Ultra Modernism

  8. The Vivid Postures

  9. ''ZENS'' - Tranquil spiritual philosophy in Apartment

  10. An acre of sunshine

  11. Companionship

  12. Compare and Contrast

  13. Demarcation-breaking


  15. O house

  16. Pyrus House

  17. Sanya Peninsula Clubhouse

  18. Tenkuni Japanese Cusine ,Hong Kong

  19. Villa of Saipan

  20. Yin Yang

  21. YKC III Restaurant

  22. Z house

  23. A chairs

  24. A Touch of Oriental Charm

  25. Bright Cohesive House

  26. Feel at Home - Ashley Hotel

  27. Green Places Community Clubhouse

  28. Kissho Maiko Lotus Pond Water Statue(Golden Maiko)

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