

Extra Form
Country Malaysia
Year 2017
Client The Roof Studio
Affiliation The Roof Studio
Designer Ken Thong, Emma Yap
Description(English) Within the lifestyle concept studio, each space is styled with intricacy. Every concept space has an eye-catching feature. Ambiances are enigmatic and exciting, yet elegantly subdued. From space to space, floors and walls create the base upon which, dramatic designs are built on. Concrete floors are dressed with elaborate furnishings and plenty of industrial elements such as metal and brick, creating a chic yet classy feel, impressing visitors and clients who visit the studio. Beautiful timber wood floors are seen in the main office work space, where nuances tend to be lighter and more open, enhancing productivity in the studio.
Description(Native) 位于店铺顶楼的The Roof Studio, 前半部为展示厅;后半部则是工作室。展示厅以‘家’的概念划分为客厅,开放式厨房和饭厅,这里也作为员工休闲放松的地方。设计师以粗犷和不修边幅的工业风格,同时保留店铺未经处理的原貌,加入低调奢华的元素与配件混搭,让整体空间创造出极具个性的强烈对比,显现出‘缺陷美’。挑高的天花板和自然光线是这项目与生俱来的优势。设计师利用雅致的实木并以对角线的方式将其堆砌成一副庞大的设计主墙迎接访客。厨房与饭厅以轻松时尚为主要设计元素,最大程度的利用每个空间之余,也平衡了所有自然建材(混凝土,石砖和实木),精致表面(石英石,大理石和平滑表面)和高雅饰品(水晶吊灯,皮革,毛皮和镜面)的运用。以黑色为主要色调,与白天大量洒进的自然光线交织出一种温暖且静谧的气息。 设计师以铁件雾沙玻璃屏风作为间隔,让后半部的工作室拥有截然不同的面貌。白色色调搭配原木地面成功打造愉悦的工作氛围,犹如一张等待挥舞出各种色彩的白纸,激发出员工的创意灵感及无限的发挥空间。此外,工作室采用开放格局,简化了员工们之间的互动与沟通,并采用简洁实用的家具将所有储物空间维持在低于视线水平,以打造更辽阔且无负担的的工作环境。
Website www.theroof.my
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  1. The Idea of Multifunctional Screen

  2. The Magical Forest

  3. The New Oriental Art in Westernized Chinese Style

  4. The Residence of All Purpose

  5. The Residence of Sincerity light

  6. The Roof Lifestyle Concept Studio

  7. The Ultra Modernism

  8. The Vivid Postures

  9. ''ZENS'' - Tranquil spiritual philosophy in Apartment

  10. An acre of sunshine

  11. Companionship

  12. Compare and Contrast

  13. Demarcation-breaking


  15. O house

  16. Pyrus House

  17. Sanya Peninsula Clubhouse

  18. Tenkuni Japanese Cusine ,Hong Kong

  19. Villa of Saipan

  20. Yin Yang

  21. YKC III Restaurant

  22. Z house

  23. A chairs

  24. A Touch of Oriental Charm

  25. Bright Cohesive House

  26. Feel at Home - Ashley Hotel

  27. Green Places Community Clubhouse

  28. Kissho Maiko Lotus Pond Water Statue(Golden Maiko)

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