

Extra Form
Country Macau
Year 2017
Client ET Design & Build Ltd
Affiliation ET Design & Build Ltd
Designer Eric Tam
Description(English) The white themed decoration and design is to embrace the incomplex and relaxed atmosphere for the living space. The use of calming colors and less decorative items naturally emphasises the pleasant home, which makes the apartment simple yet elegant. The master bedroom was rearranged into an open concept with floor to ceiling sliding doors, dividing the bedroom from the hallway. The idea to distinguish the bathroom was initially our idea to introduce a more private and exclusive area of the bedroom. The spare bedroom is transformed into a guest room with a platform behind the bed to create a dull functionality of a mini home office.
Description(Native) 居室經過間隔改動後,屬於半開放式格局,流露豁達氣度;白和灰的配搭賦予它恬靜優雅氣質,置身其中,都市壓力即時一掃而空。 L形地櫃由入門區延展到餐廳,結合密閉式儲物與開放式陳列,有助減輕空間壓迫感。放眼望去,長方形廳區被不銹鋼電視架分成兩截;後者附帶180度旋轉底座,讓電視可以隨時調動,供兩廳共用,背部特設密集式凹 槽可存放CD、DVD。細看下,原來以灰、白布置的空間包含了深灰、淡灰、銀灰、純戶、米白銀珍珠白,展現色調的微妙變化。 客廳擁有寬闊窗台,陽光極為燦爛。U形沙發倚著牆壁,披一身銀灰色,結映照得閃閃發亮;金屬腳架及低靠背設計有效抵消其厚重感。作為軸心的茶几像個精緻的魔術匣,付人對他產生莫名的期待。不得不提的是廚房門側的一袖動物主題牆紙,使野外馳騁的斑馬也來亮相,享受冬日裡的美好時光。 主卧房由兩個房間打通而成,串連兩個窗台,面積媲美兩廳,空間異常敞亮。床後的地台部分是擴闊窗台的結果,鋪上白底灰紋雲石後,是寫意的閒坐地帶。此外還拆除了兩房面向走道的牆壁,改以兩道摺疊間隔,使空間通透,線條利落。 客房本來是主臥所在,新做趟門以兩種面料鋪飾,向客房的一面鑲鏡,關上時反映床頭牆的別緻拼圖掛鏡,以及那幅滿是英文句子的趣味牆紙,效果以目一新。床尾的雲石樓梯可通往高起的工作區,曲尺形書桌的基座以清玻璃製造,使桌面在驟看下彷彿浮游米空,再由鮮紅的轉椅挑動人們的視覺神輕。
Website www.e-t.com.hk
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  1. The Idea of Multifunctional Screen

  2. The Magical Forest

  3. The New Oriental Art in Westernized Chinese Style

  4. The Residence of All Purpose

  5. The Residence of Sincerity light

  6. The Roof Lifestyle Concept Studio

  7. The Ultra Modernism

  8. The Vivid Postures

  9. ''ZENS'' - Tranquil spiritual philosophy in Apartment

  10. An acre of sunshine

  11. Companionship

  12. Compare and Contrast

  13. Demarcation-breaking


  15. O house

  16. Pyrus House

  17. Sanya Peninsula Clubhouse

  18. Tenkuni Japanese Cusine ,Hong Kong

  19. Villa of Saipan

  20. Yin Yang

  21. YKC III Restaurant

  22. Z house

  23. A chairs

  24. A Touch of Oriental Charm

  25. Bright Cohesive House

  26. Feel at Home - Ashley Hotel

  27. Green Places Community Clubhouse

  28. Kissho Maiko Lotus Pond Water Statue(Golden Maiko)

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