

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2020
Affiliation Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
Designer Sicong Liu, Jiayi Xu, Rongling Li, Xin Guo, Boyang Hu
Description(English) The compasses Combining the protractor's dial with the legs, it can be used alone instead of the protractor. With the scale on the compasses’ legs, users can directly draw arcs with presetting angles and accurately measure the angle of any arc, which not only simplifies the drawing process of using compass and protractor alternately but also greatly improves the efficiency and accuracy of drawing, reduces the number of tools, and is more portable.
Description(Native) 这款圆规将量角器的刻度盘与圆规的固定支腿相结合,从而替代量角器,可以单独使用。以支腿为垂直转轴,转柄和支腿同步转动,即能指出刻度轴上的对应刻度。借助圆规支腿上的刻度,用户能够直接用圆规画出预设角度的弧线,并且准确地测量出任意弧线的角度,而不是借助普通圆规、直尺和量角器才能完成。此外,在圆规的转轴处加上角度盘,用户可以看出圆规两脚的夹角大小,并且借此得到所绘弧线的半径。使用过程中,用户可根据不同弧线的半径延长折叶笔端,底部的针托可以固定圆规支腿与纸面保持垂直,同时也可包住针头防止扎手,更加安全。这款圆规不仅简化了交替使用圆规和量角器的绘图流程,而且极大提高了画图的效率和精度,减少了工具数量,更加便携。
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