



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2020
Affiliation Tsinghua
Designer 毕文立
Description(English) The design integrates Chinese characters and Braille, and is supplemented by a specific printing process to enable the blind and ordinary people to read together. Through the adjustment of the inter-character structure in the design, the harmonious blending of Chinese character strokes and Braille has a unique aesthetic sense. This work aims to create a new way of reading, reflect the special care for minorities, create a truly universal and inclusive reading carrier, make more people familiar with Braille, and arouse the public's attention to blind groups.
Description(Native) 盲文或称点字、凸字,是专为盲人设计、靠触觉感知的文字。透过点字板、点字机、点字打印机等在纸张上制作出不同组合的凸点而组成,一般每一个方块的点字是由六点组成。 盲文体设计将汉字与盲文融合于一体,辅之以凸点印刷工艺,可实现盲人和普通人共同阅读。设计中通过对字间架结构的调整实现汉字笔画与盲文的和谐相融,具有独特的美感。 这一作品旨在通过创造一种新的阅读方式,体现对少数群体的人文关怀,创建一个真正通用、包容的阅读载体,并使更多的人熟悉盲文,唤起大众对于盲人群体的重视。 同时,作品将汉字与另一种文字整合,并就其相互关系对汉字间架结构进行调整,对汉字所承载的信息与汉字的读取方式进行扩充,也是一种对于汉字设计的实验性尝试,
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