



Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2020
Affiliation Fu-Jen_Catholic_University
Designer FJCU PSIT design team
Description(English) “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Our consumers’ footprints fuel our brand concept; blending into daily life while still speaking for endangered animals. Our 10 different shoe designs are equipped with “real animal footprints” based on Taiwan’s protected animals, with photographs of the animals and their habitats. When people step on water or mud, their animal footprints will remind them that these Animals not only inhabit Taiwan, but are also a part of us. We hope modern people will not ignore the animals or destroy their homes just for the convenience of the present.
Description(Native) 「千里之行始於足下」,藉由消費者邁出的步伐悄悄地將品牌理念融入日常並為瀕危動物發聲,因此我們打造十種台灣保育類動物鞋款,將「真實動物足跡」作為鞋底為主要設計理念,並加入動物圖像與棲地元素,當人們踩過水或泥土時,可以隱約看到動物腳印,藉此提醒著人類,牠們棲息於台灣,更是我們的一份子。我們期許現代的人們不要為了當下的方便而破壞唯一的家園,讓我們一同為動物留下更美好的未來。人類總是為了便捷的生活,犧牲了許多大自然的資源,對於受到危害的動物多抱持無奈、逃避、漠視的心態,希望由輕鬆而非嚴肅、沈重的角度切入保育議題,將我們的設計與理念融入大眾的日常生活中。 有別於以往的載體海報、環保商品等較嚴肅的載體,我們以日常用品「鞋子」來切入探討保育類議題,打造十種台灣保育類動物鞋款,將「真實動物足跡」融入鞋底,當人們踏過水或泥土時,便可隱約看到這些動物足跡,並賦予產品2020「年份限定」,凸顯出動物的生存空間與生命隨著時間不斷地受到的人類的迫害而瀕臨絕種,藉此提醒眾人,要更加珍惜牠們。
Positive Comments
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  1. Multi purpose vacuum cleaner

  2. The Reflective Rice Grains

  3. Z-LAMP

  4. VOC

  5. Dian Chi Ming Men

  6. Wufang Architectural Design

  7. U Style Office

  8. A Serene Hideaway

  9. Sales Office of Dejia Mansion

  10. Calm the World

  11. SUNWA-office.TW

  12. Opus One


  14. Du Tea

  15. Hahoe mask

  16. Laozi Said

  17. BEI


  19. Pristin brand identity design

  20. My Old Kid

  21. 盲文体

  22. Pet Treats Studio

  23. Protece Collar

  24. Breathing House

  25. Protractor Compasses

  26. Indeterminacy

  27. PSIT2020

  28. Game

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