



Extra Form
Country China
Year 2020
Affiliation Jilin Animation Institute
Designer JAI, Cui Qiwenxin
Description(English) The Peking Opera performers and the ballet dancers share a shabby room, highlighting the Peking Opera performers with a light source and the characters with light and shade. The costume of Peking Opera chose the costume of Yang men female general, which represents the spirit of indomitable and Stoic. The bright lights outside the window contrast with the dilapidated interior. Main color green and yellow make the picture more mysterious. The architectural style of the Chinese style, the lion dance, and the facial makeup form a strong contrast with the gamey cyberpunk style of the background.
Description(Native) 中国风的建筑风格,舞狮,以及脸谱与背景的充满游戏感的赛博朋克风格形成了强烈对比,两种风格兼容并蓄使得画面更加的丰满。使用了点光源重点突出了前景人物,加强了景深,未来感与中国传统元素并进,画面主要采取了青与黄色调,使得画面更具有神秘感。破败的房间内,京剧演员与芭蕾舞者共处一室,以光源突出了京剧演员,明暗对比突出人物。京剧服饰选择了《杨门女将》的戏服,代表着不屈与坚忍的精神。窗外的灯红酒绿与室内的破败不堪形成对比。画面主要采用了青与黄色调,使得画面更具有神秘感。故事背景以九重天宫的神话为依托,设计剧情以“缘机仙”主角的主线剧情从中穿插神话、正史、野史等正能量、暖情怀的搞笑漫画。即1条主线N条分线的剧情设计法主角是拥有知晓未来过往世间诸事能力的缘机仙,为管理凡界兴衰的琐碎日常而忙碌。他需要时刻关注凡间吃瓜群众的日常生活,在历史重要的转折点时火速下凡引领帝王将相、各路奇人仙葩完成各个朝代历史走向的故事漫画。
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