

Extra Form
Country China
Year 2020
Affiliation Shenzhen explore home industrial design co.,ltd
Designer Chu Dongdong, Liu Bei, Ren Peng, Lin Rulong, Weng Hang
Description(English) Apart from using the shape of a traditional hourglass, it also has a function of timing: Rotate the lighting area, start timing when the light’s on. To turn it on again, long push the bottom or re-rotate the lighting area. As long as light up the room, The Time Machine also reminds people: time is valuable, it’s passing and never comes back. Procrastination becomes a serious issue of all the youth, the work does not only communicates the importance of time, but also plays the role of solving issue.
Description(Native) 时光灯造型采用古老的沙漏形式。旋转灯罩开启,灯亮瞬间开始计时,三十分钟后灯光自动熄灭。若想再次开启,只需长按开关,或者再次旋转灯罩。时光灯在照亮空间的同时,警示人们时间流逝。作品不仅直接地传达时间重要性,而且间接地反映了当下社会年轻人面临的问题:拖延症。 你从什么时候开始习惯一个人?习惯一个人呆在房间刷着手机,度过日出日落,感叹时光飞逝,人间不值得。也许身边有一个ta,当你写一篇日记、读一篇文章、做一组瑜伽时,照亮你的专属空间,提醒你时光慢慢流逝。 “轻轻一转,点亮时光”生活中的浪漫总发生在不经意间,开一盏灯也能充满仪式感。时光灯借用沙漏造型的同时,使其散发着光芒,在有限的时间里,点亮无限生活的可能。“旋转一下”,与时光对话,交个朋友吧!
Website suowujiaju.1688.com
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