

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Designer KarenLin
Description(English) A residential space could be expounding of personal preferences and tastes. More importantly, which provides the inhabitants of being allay and leisurely. The bedrooms are designed of leisurely ambience such like being in a resort hotel, where they can meet with visiting friends and share emotion with each other. The high color saturation software ornaments and the hanging painting of the new generation artist that echo the youth and artsy personality of the sisters, moreover enhance the visual richness of the house and create a vivid and distinct exotic circumstance.
Description(Native) 我們認為,住宅空間是一個人喜好的呈現與品味的詮釋,更重要的是,能夠令人感到放鬆自適的所在。因此在格局劃設上,我們並不想落於窠臼,力求破除以往公私領域的界定,希望每一個角落機能都適得其所。 客廳大抵在一般格局劃設上,會定調為大氣寬敞的動線氛圍,然而,考量屋主為姐妹獨居,亦時常出國旅行,因此我們縮小空間尺度,讓客廳僅作為家的門面和友人來訪聚會的一角。我們收整空間線路,在大片留白的畫布上,綴以飽和色彩和綠意光線;克萊因藍的鬆軟沙發和彩墨溢散般的地毯,成為空間的主視覺,搭佐互補色系的暖黃,圍塑花園般的優雅詩意。 而為讓喜好甜點烘焙的妹妹,有一處招待朋友和享受樂趣的地方,便在餐廳隔間後方劃設寬敞的中島吧台,同時保有場域的隱私。 姐妹倆的房間,也佈設成如度假飯店般的情境氛圍,讓來訪的友人能夠相聚於此、互訴心事;高彩度的軟件裝飾、與新生代藝術家合作的掛畫,和她們年輕而具藝術氣息的性格相應相襯,更為居家提升視覺豐富度,挹注一抹大膽而鮮明的異國氛圍。
Website blancconcept.com
Positive Comments
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  1. Uniplus design center

  2. A Stunning Manor

  3. Imperishable Estate

  4. Magnum Opus

  5. Hills

  6. The Essence of Aesthetics

  7. The Japanese Style Industrial City

  8. A Retreatful Ryokan Home

  9. Jiangshanghui(江上荟)

  10. THD2.0

  11. Hang Seng Bank flagship branch

  12. Taiheiyo Club KARUIZAWA RESORT

  13. Utubo Garden Clinic

  14. Achromatic

  15. Bathed in sunshine

  16. Jabra HQ Hong Kong

  17. Retro/Modern

  18. Light Box

  19. Oh ! 1796

  20. Blooming House

  21. The Blossom Clinic

  22. Aperture

  23. The Sea Refuses No River 海納百川

  24. The timeless trajectory

  25. Multifunctional mixer


  27. Fluid and form


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