

Extra Form
Country China Hong Kong
Year 2021
Client Jabra - GN Audio
Affiliation Starz Pasha Ltd.
Designer Jay Leung, Maggie Mo
Description(English) The design of the company’s headquarters in Hong Kong is to retain the characteristics of Jabra's corporate identity yet creating a visually striking interior space. A sense of excitement swarming through each vein whilst entering each and every corner of the office providing the utmost visual experience for all. Constructed in a way that every corner consumes natural sunlight throughout in an atmosphere dominated by white, black and yellow, we are dedicated to show such excitement to the brand and enhancing the corporate identity.
Description(Native) Jabra GN(Jabra)是一家全球品牌,專門從事GN audio擁有的音頻和視頻設備,該公司成立於150年前。 隨著企業在香港市場的快速增長,Jabra需要更大的總部來擴大其銷售部門。 因此,他們決定搬入位於香港國際交易中心310平方米的辦公空間。 甫入Jabra的辦公室,引人注目的黃色玻璃裝飾牆吸引了我們的眼球,非常奪目耀眼。Jabra公司以新面貌示人,視覺刺激設計是激發員工創新和品牌忠誠度的好方法。摒棄傳統的企業形象, 使用斜線原理來區分整體空間,Jabra強調自然採光設計,擅用利落的對角線條劃分公司不同的區域,以一條條的斜線分隔工作室、會議室、茶水間。積極的情緒湧現每個角落,提供最大的視覺體驗。白,黑和黃的氛圍中,公司各位置都能吸收自然光,我們致力於向品牌展示這種活力並增強企業形象。
Website www.starzpasha.com
Positive Comments
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  1. Uniplus design center

  2. A Stunning Manor

  3. Imperishable Estate

  4. Magnum Opus

  5. Hills

  6. The Essence of Aesthetics

  7. The Japanese Style Industrial City

  8. A Retreatful Ryokan Home

  9. Jiangshanghui(江上荟)

  10. THD2.0

  11. Hang Seng Bank flagship branch

  12. Taiheiyo Club KARUIZAWA RESORT

  13. Utubo Garden Clinic

  14. Achromatic

  15. Bathed in sunshine

  16. Jabra HQ Hong Kong

  17. Retro/Modern

  18. Light Box

  19. Oh ! 1796

  20. Blooming House

  21. The Blossom Clinic

  22. Aperture

  23. The Sea Refuses No River 海納百川

  24. The timeless trajectory

  25. Multifunctional mixer


  27. Fluid and form


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