

Extra Form
Country Chinese Taipei
Year 2021
Client DSEN
Affiliation DSEN
Designer ChienTingChen
Description(English) Let the dialogue between "light" and "grain" produce inadvertently, is the most important design core of the living space; we open the pattern and visual field, the life space becomes the best stage of light, woodiness, and stone material, and the simple and natural tone sprays and spreads freely at home. Due to the elderly living in the home, the graceful arc craft retains the space for the wheelchair rotation, and the whole room has laid the floor heating equipment, to meet the hidden needs of the functional surface.
Description(Native) 為了讓陽光能在生活中自由的行進,卸除了多餘的牆面和框線,每個生活的片段皆能享受陽光,以及欣賞窗外的風景。我們大量運用木質、石材呈現自然的質感,並透過秩序性及色彩的分區梳理,讓紋理的使用有了更加豐富多變的樣貌。另外,因有長者照護需求,公領域落地窗、收納設計上皆減少框架、把手的使用,運用幾何比例的協調與平衡,將視覺收斂至最單純的樣貌。 另外在吧台、書房以及廊道入口轉角,以木質與玻璃劃下優美的虛、實弧線轉折,取代銳利的稜線,並讓視野能夠做出最大化的延伸。特別是在書房與衛浴中,兩道弧形玻璃作為界線的劃分,並以無框的方式減輕視覺負擔,並計算出的弧線角度與使用上的安全性, 也為輪椅的使用創造更多轉圜空間,在機能面上為長者帶來更安全的使用。。
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  1. Uniplus design center

  2. A Stunning Manor

  3. Imperishable Estate

  4. Magnum Opus

  5. Hills

  6. The Essence of Aesthetics

  7. The Japanese Style Industrial City

  8. A Retreatful Ryokan Home

  9. Jiangshanghui(江上荟)

  10. THD2.0

  11. Hang Seng Bank flagship branch

  12. Taiheiyo Club KARUIZAWA RESORT

  13. Utubo Garden Clinic

  14. Achromatic

  15. Bathed in sunshine

  16. Jabra HQ Hong Kong

  17. Retro/Modern

  18. Light Box

  19. Oh ! 1796

  20. Blooming House

  21. The Blossom Clinic

  22. Aperture

  23. The Sea Refuses No River 海納百川

  24. The timeless trajectory

  25. Multifunctional mixer


  27. Fluid and form


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